Aries and its galactic and Universal connections

Cassiopeia A - the "remnant" of a massive Supernova.
Picture by NASA
Aries is about "cutting free" from old concepts we may have inherited and instead work with the own ones "discovered" in Pisces... new understandings of "origin" (including the own part in it), is leading to a change of values and virtues and self-understanding and self-worth, which are explored, acted on etc. ...
It can though include themes of "victimhood" and resulting "survival instincts".
In sidereal Astrology, the stars and their constellations do play a major role and give information about the evolutionary and spiritual path - I call this "get empowered by the Universe and it's galactic connections".
Aries - the ram - itself is a small constellation but lays right along and above the ecliptic. South of it the head of Cetus and Eridanus (river of life) and above Andromeda, the little constellation Triangulum and the queen Cassiopeia (Andromeda}s mother) with her husband king Cepheus. Perseus expresses into Taurus, so will be explained there.
Important stars are: Alrescha (the upward swimming fish -Alpha Pisces), Kaffa and Menkar of the head of Cetus, Sheratan, Hamal and Botein of Aries, Mirach and Almach of Andromeda, Shedar, Caph and Ruchbah of Cassiopeia.
Isn't it strange, that Pisces Alphastar resides in the sign of Aries!!?? Pisces upwards swimming fish (early Aries) brings the so called "new beginnings" energy to Aries, it's like a decision point....
When we now take the energies of Andromeda and Cetus into count, we get the impression of entrapment, enslavement, limitations and obstacles on our way/path to free/discover our own true self. The limitations we put on ourselves are often resulting from the conformity we accept to be pushed upon us for various reasons... The mastery here is, to define self, to see who we truly are and go beyond what we think that we "should" be....
The head of Cetus:
Cetus represents the "collective consciousness" - the head where we process, act and react... if we're in a state of self-confidence, we act from there and are not so much interested in what other people may or may not think of us, we enable ourselves to find solutions "outside of the box"... are we ourselves or try to be a "copy" and conform....
A beautiful and famous Galaxy and Myth. She's the entrapped one and luckily she had Perseus to come to rescue her from the monster - it's the talk about the divine feminine and the divine masculine - we have both energies within us - we only need to decide to give them both value and room for harmony within Self for the journey called "life" as an Individual and integral part of Humanity as a whole.
In the later parts of Aries, we encounter extreme energies or better said "life force" and action orientated energies - as usual, this can be used in many ways and as in history it has often be used in destructive ways, Aries and Mars have been perceived as being of "war". If we act and react as confident Individuals we get the "mirroring" accordingly... we can either act in a "distorted" way, that is full of the "baggage of the past" with it's judgments and fears or we can "slay or transmute those" and start to live from an integrated "whole" self that radiates "harmony"..... Our decision, how we gonna face the monsters or if we perceive any monsters....
modern constellation map created with:
Urania's Mirror - Johannes Hevelius
References: Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar
Ian Ridpath's Star Tales and
Pdf-link to chapter 6 of "the constellations of ancient Egypt" by: