Ceres - "Mother of the Asteroids"
Ceres' themes are mothering, nurturing - therefore agriculture in Mythology. Of course within modern Astrology we see there is much more to her: not only how we nurture others or the environment but also the other way round - how we receive nurturing and how we nurture or treat ourselves - the theme of "nurturing" isn't only about foods/drinks or the others but also things like information, movies, the news etc. and of course themes like self-worth and self-love play into this too even though this is more of a Venus theme.
As she resides in the Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter - she's part of those who link our personal world with the "outer world"....
Greek Mythology:
Ceres (Roman) - Demeter in Greek - Both the "Goddess of agriculture". (She's another child of Cronos and Rhea - Zeus, Poseidon and Hades Sister. She had to make a deal with Hades/Pluto to be able to have her daughter Persephone on Earth part of the year; it's said that for the time her daughter is away, she was very sad and cried icy tears, therefore nothing would grow during that time of the year. Hades was tricky and put some pomegranate-kernels into Persephone's mouth, so she would always come back to him.
Some Astronomy:
Ceres is the largest object in the main asteroid belt that lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter (closer to Mars so!) with an orbital period of 4,6 years.
She holds a designation as an Asteroid as well as of a dwarf planet - with a diameter of 940 km (580 mi), Ceres is both the largest of the asteroids and the only dwarf planet inside Neptune's orbit.
It is the 25th-largest body in the Solar System within the orbit of Neptune. From Earth, the apparent magnitude of Ceres ranges from 6.7 to 9.3, peaking once at opposition every 15 to 16 months, which is its synodic period.
The orbit is moderately inclined (= 10.6° compared to 7° for Mercury and 17° for Pluto) and moderately eccentric (= 0.08 compared to 0.09 for Mars). (Ref. Wikipedia)

Ceres ... by NASA's Dawn spacecraft
Ceres' axis: (31.12.2020)
Southnode: 25°38' Taurus
Northnode: 25°38' Scorpio
Aphelion: 8°59' Aquarius
Perihelion: 8°59' Leo