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Helio - the Sun - a Star

What is heliocentric Astrology, what is sidereal Astrology...

Heliocentric means to look at the solar-system from its center - the Sun... Like this we see the planets and all other bodies including Earth orbiting the Sun also in astrological charts...  I call this the "Observer view".... 

Yes, we get to observe and being more "objective" of what we see - we can transcend the angular distortions and see the "true connections" Earth makes within the whole family called solar-system and on a personal level our "individual connection". 
Because we/Earth orbit the Sun, an axis (polarity) is created and when we look from the Sun, we see Earth - yes, that means we All do have an Earth sign ... 

The Moon is Earth bound - orbiting Earth and therefore in heliocentric view always within minutes conjunct Earth... 
I often call them together the "Earth/Moon system".


As the "observer" we gain access to broader views not only of the solar-system but further, we can examine the real interplanetary cycles, planetary nodes and orbital points which all give more insights of the function of a body - because they do "evolve" too, they're as much part of the All as we are... 
Beside that, we ourselves, can "jump" out or over the emotional drama and fear based (egoic) view... we may gain access to reason or cause that is otherwise more difficult to detect... 


Sidereal means "star-time"...

it means the actual placements of the bodies in the heavens put into an astrological chart with reference to the ecliptic, which then describes the direct "interaction with Earth", especially when we also consider the planetary nodes as the "path of action". 
I'm using a 12-sign based zodiac, yet with outlined constellations and on the side "sky maps" of major stars and the constellations (88 of those) - they all add to the energies... 

Yes I know, it sounds all a bit complicated and technical.... Short, I could go as far as to say, the heliocentric sidereal chart will show you the perspective of the "higher self", of the observer, the objective part of self.... Imagine to be one of the "Gods" sitting on Mount Olympus, looking down on Earth and decide to "descend"... 


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I think one of the most important conjunctions this year, will be the one between Jupiter and Uranus in March 2024...  
Yet, that event will be accompanied by various other events just around the same dates... 
MARCH is a month to note this year... it will help us "set the course" so to speak - well, but as I always say - the cycles are many and each conjunction only marks a specific point within a process....

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