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a Centaur



Nessus speaks of abuse, neglection and denial and or our reaction to such situations. More on an emotional level though – sometimes we feel such in situations with other people and when we can clarify it with the person involved, we find out, it wasn’t meant in such a way at all, an “illusion” which we created ourselves. He’s more like showing where we have a tendency to victimize ourselves and even may create direct self-abusing tendencies. Where as Ixion speaks of where we may have a tendency to "overrule" others.


He has a "gift" to offer though - when we "spiritualize" the situations or "life-lessons" (seeing through them and take them as a "finger of god")  instead of becoming a victim of them, we may find a good "Teacher" in him...


Because of his orbit, it's good to check on Uranus, Neptune and Orcus and other Bodies in that orbital distance.   


Discovered at ca. 10 degrees sid. Libra (in constellation of Virgo)


His cross: heliocentric, sidereal 

Southnode: 06°32 Aries    Northnode: 06°32 Libra

most South: same degrees Cancer    most North: same degrees Capricorn

Aphelion:  27°55 Pisces    Perihelion: 27°55 Virgo



Greek Mythology:   


Nessus is a son of Ixion and Nephele and after a war he left the lands and became a Ferryman by carrying passengers on his back. One day Herakles came with his bride Deianeira and Nessus carried her over the river but became so attracted to her that he tried to violate her and was shot by Herakles' poisoned arrow. He persuaded Deianeira to take of his blood, which he told her, would prevent Herakles to ever become unfaithful. When Herakles really fell for another woman, Deianeira did apply Nessus' blood onto Herakles clothes, which did poison him by burning.....



Some Astronomy: 


Nessus was discovered on April 25th 1993 by David Rabinowitz. He's a centaur, a dynamically unstable population of minor planets between the classical asteroids and the trans-Neptunian objects.

It orbits the Sun at a distance of 11.9–37.4 AU once every 122 years and 4 months. Its orbit has an eccentricity of 0.52 and an inclination of 16° with respect to the ecliptic.

At its perihelion (11.9 AU), it moves much closer to the Sun than Uranus (19.2 AU) but not as close as Saturn (9.6 AU), while at its aphelion (37.4 AU), it moves out well beyond the orbit of Neptune  (30.1 AU).   (Ref. Wikipedia) 


References and credits:

Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar (website no longer available)


Dane Rudhyar - many publications and books.... available through "Rudhyar Archival Project"... by Astrology University..... by Michael Meyer on


all charts are created using the free software by - choose "extended chart selections".... sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)


Mythology by Wikipedia and Theoi website as well as 

Ian Ridpath's Star Tales  and  

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