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Pallas - 
Pallas Athena or Jupiter's "Brain-Child" 


Pallas is a warrior queen with creative, innovative intelligence for solutions - so like a "problem solver". I've read somewhere "she turns every stumbling block into a stepping stone", which I find really very matching as it indicates solutions on many levels and from what there IS - bringing possibilities that are actually reachable...  

We could also look at her as an inspirational energy.

As in the Mythology, she harmonizes the divine feminine and masculine within and uses her abilities for the best outcomes with the least effort. She's also about connecting dots/ information (puzzle) and to defend social equality and acceptance but also individual choices. 



Greek Mythology: 

Minerva (Roman) - Pallas Athena in Greek - Both the "Goddess of Wisdom, Reason and Purity".  She also is very brave and got a strategic mind, so she also had a title as the "goddess of war" but not alike her Brother Ares. As an independent "person" she never married. In a competition about the "rulership" of the city of Athens, she won as she gave the people the Olive tree - the people of Athens were actually to pick (kind of an election campaign she won against Poseidon/Neptune who offered horses).


Roman Mythology: 

Minerva is often depicted with her sacred creature, an owl, which symbolized her association with wisdom and knowledge as well as, less frequently, the snake and the olive tree. 



Some Astronomy:

To orbit the Sun, it takes Pallas 4,6 years and she rotates around the own axis every 7,81 hours.

Pallas is the second asteroid to have been discovered, after  Ceres.   Pallas has unusual dynamic parameters for such a large body.

Its orbit is highly inclined and moderately eccentric, despite being at the same distance from the Sun as the central part of the asteroid belt. Furthermore, Pallas has a very high axial tilt of 84°, with its north pole pointing towards the ecliptic (similar to Uranus).

This means that every Palladian summer and winter, large parts of the surface are in constant sunlight or constant darkness for a time on the order of an Earth year, with areas near the poles experiencing continuous sunlight for as long as two years.

Pallas is in a near-1:1 orbital resonance with Ceres and an approximate 5:2 resonance with Jupiter.  (Ref. Wikipedia)    

two views of the asteroid Pallas as the golfball asteroid

The "golf ball" asteroid Pallas

Credit: WikimediaESO/M. Marsset et al./MISTRAL algorithm (ONERA/CNRS)

Pallas' orbital points  

(heliocentric data 2023)

Southnode: 27°53' Aquarius
Northnode: 27°55' Leo


most south and north same degrees sidereal Pisces and Virgo

Aphelion:  14°30'  Capricorn 
Perihelion:   14°30' Cancer



Orbit and discovery Astrology - scroll past the animation....

Animation of Pallas orbit in the asteroid belt

Animation of the Palladian orbit in the inner Solar system

pink          ·   Pallas
yellow       ·   Ceres
light blue  ·   Jupiter
green         ·   Mars
blue           ·   Earth
center        ·   Sun

Pallas' orbital points and their indications in heliocentric sidereal Astrology
orbit and points, dates etc. from my own researches - I needed a lot of coffee, so please consider to buy me one in order to support my work... 

In her orbit, Pallas reaches almost 35 degrees of latitude in both directions, which means that her orbit does follow a path that brings her far away from the ecliptic and their constellations at times....

From her southnode in late sidereal Aquarius, under the circlet of Pisces, she descends south of the ecliptic, through parts of Pisces and Cetus and then along Eridanus to reach its "origin" near Rigel of Orion and a few degrees passed her most southern point in late sidereal Taurus / constellation Orion. 
This is her concluding, letting go and seeding quarter of orbit - it brings her from the "full flow" into the more quiet, introspective waters and same time discerning and preparing. In Cetus the more "collective consciousness" is seen,  their entrapments as well as their beauty and her path through Eridanus brings her into "dangerous situations" when passing in front of the void.

She then reaches the "origin" of the river Eridanus near the star Rigel of Orion and just a few degrees further, her most southern point of orbit. Meeting an "origin" is truly changing, life altering and brings often a change of the structure or perception of the own fundament - may that now be, that one wants a solution to a "behavior or outcome", the origin is of importance and same might be true in "ancestral" questions or simply generally. 
Her most southern point indicates to be standing true to self and in some kind of "equilibrium", balanced etc.

Through the other leg of Orion (star Saiph), she slowly ascends through the constellation Monoceros (the Unicorn) and its mythical experiences, the constellation Hydra and Sextans, which is "re-orientating energy" to come out onto the ecliptic (her northnode) in late sidereal Leo. In late Leo we find very strong energy, very creative
and it can't be hold back... 
During this quarter, while in sidereal Cancer, in the constellation Hydra there's also Pallas' perihelion - indicating that her most influence comes from within and includes the need to face the own fears or "monsters from the pas

The next quarter of orbit brings her through parts of sidereal Virgo (soul awareness) and to her discovery placement, then northwards to Bootes (unity of feminine and masculine principles), through Hercules (commitment to the "work needed") to her most northern placement at the star Rasalhague of Ophiuchus (illumination through integration of wisdom gained and applied).

Yes, her most northern point is only the "opposition", the "blooming or full Moon" part of the cycle of orbit - she needs now to descend again, to meet her southnode and this path brings her through the constellation of the Serpent's tail and then through the constellation Aquila the Eagle, which brings focused concentration to a goal. She continues still pretty north into the little Foal constellation (Equuleus - Orcus traverses through here too) with its energy of concern for future generations and finally descends through Aquarius to her southnode....    


Pallas' discovery chart in heliocentric sidereal Astrology

Pallas was discovered 28th of March 1802 from Bremen, Germany by Heinrich W. Olbers. At this time, Pallas stood in sidereal Virgo - between the Virgo Cluster and the star Zaniah. She was approaching Uranus for conjunction and Ceres on the way to conjoin her - all 3 within 5,5 degrees of longitude.
Roughly 3 degrees from Uranus we see the Earth/Moon system at the star Porima of Virgo and south of the ecliptic Orcus conjoining the stars Minkar and Alchita of Corvus. 

Zaniah marks the left shoulder of the Virgin or in some depictions the wing and the Virgo cluster talks about our "central relationships or community" in the sense of being part of the Supercluster and therefore our galaxies "group". I have heard this area to be called the "spiritual mother center", which I find a matching "title"... south of the ecliptic we see the constellation Crater (the cup), which could relate to the quest but also to purity and fullness within. 
I find it interesting to see, that so many were there to "celebrate" Pallas' discovery. Ceres is not only called the "mother of Asteroids" but also is by some considered a "co-ruler" of Virgo and being of nourishing energy - all very fitting to the placement. 
Uranus is future oriented, of strong mind energy and talks about liberation and "bio tech
Earth is bringing all her wealth with her, all the grounding that may be needed and Orcus the harmony of life when living true and in honor and to achieve this, he brings the ability of "foresight" through his placement.


References and credits:

Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar (website no longer available)


Dane Rudhyar - many publications and books.... available through "Rudhyar Archival Project"... by Astrology University..... by Michael Meyer on


all charts are created using the free software by - choose "extended chart selections".... sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)


Ian Ridpath's Star Tales  and  

Greek mythology by

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