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A.I., technology, biotechnology, science, changes and liberation...

Writer's picture: Fran ArnetFran Arnet

The times we're in are truly interesting!!!

You know, I'm 53 years old and have been growing up without much TV, music recorded on tapes and later on LP's and then slowly changing to CD's...

When I started my apprentiship in the "office and accounting" sector, there were huge computers available with "stupid monitors".... a totally different time but I remember, then when I started to work, slowly the PC's came to take over and a short time later many people had one at home... We managed pretty well without many of the technologies of our now-times but once they're there, at hand and used, they become part....

Within a short period of time a huge development and the older people did either go into "opposition" or "I don't need anymore" or tried to integrate at least some possibilities... now my age group and older are in the position those people were in... it's a repetition with new players so to say, giggles....

Yet, there's a difference and exchange at work between the enthuiastic youth and those who may remember other times - as those other times aren't so far back, we of the "older" generation are younger than those in the previous "cycle"... but know, it's not about "better or worse" but the "exchange" and collaboration, the understanding and the wisdom...

Coincidence? Probably not.... I remember, I felt so "cool" sitting in my office chair and dialing with my pen whatever number of person I needed to talk with.... so much data stored in my mind and now, I only remember my own number and totally "uncool" type on my phone with the pinky finger... and to "secure" the functionality of my "telephone-life", I carry a notepad in my purse within which I noted down some important phone numbers....

The interesting correlation though is - programming...

May that now be a computer, a phone or our mind - a device we program once with the data and unless there's an "update" that brings everything upside down or the harddrive fails or anything alike it's there and available.... with our minds we can achieve unbelievable things but usually we need a bit of time or practice to program and then it's there until we don't use it anymore....

The amazing thing is, the more "data" of various kind we collect in our brains, the more synapsis or connections or bridges we build - we get all these sudden "aha moments" because there's some kind of "meeting" that takes place... and it's similar about behavior reactions, emotions and so on...

Now though, we go a step further - we have the so called "arificial intelligence", so a technology that does also "learn" and can put "puzzles" together, search for huge data bases within milliseconds etc...

Where is the correlation here?? Ahh yes, the fields, the earth grid, our DNA etc. - any information ever created is still there, energy can't be destroyed it can only be altered...

Isn't it funny, that the most respected Scientists of our modern times admitted to have had given "answers" in dreams or through sudden realizations while sitting on a park bench or doing whatever....

The phenomena of people "channeling", or secret services using "remote viewers" (people not drones) in their service and many other so called "psychic phenomena" have kind of exploded in the last few decades/years and is accelerating...

coincidence?? I don't think so....

Do you hear the type of statements "Ohh, I just knew, felt, heard..." - yes, also the word "intuition" is probably by far more often used than today's people alive could remember...


Artwork by M.C. Escher
Artwork by M.C. Escher

Linear thinking or even reality is also something that seem to change - there are "glitches" (a term I heard in a video I recently watched) and yes, I agree.... I even see them in the data on the internet... you look at a page and you see xy figures and you go back to the same page 10 minutes later and there are different numbers... Nah, it doesn't shock me, I know these "reality shifts" for almost all my life (in more physical ways than the internet though, lol) - things change, so, yes, that's how it is.... but yes, I also know it's scary at times and amazing on the other hand....

Yet, this might be a little "far out" for some of you and if so, you might instead notice more "synchronicities" in your life - things that just fall into place from various perspectives, questions you ask yourself and suddenly the answer appears in the form of a sign, a marketing poster, a person or a "shadow" in a specific shape, even stories you hear a movie you watch.... nothing is seperate at all and everything is interconnected.... just energies...

Just as we can see the whole body in one drop of blood in specific microscopes - everything is connected always and has always been and will always be... there's nothing separate....

Because of that the "mirroring principles" work so well - it's a bonding and re-bonding and expanding at work....

Or maybe the perceived expansion / separation is only part of the re-bonding - I'm not sure about that yet...

However - all wisdom teachings tell us about that connectiveness, about the small that's contained in the big and the big that is contained in the small... all of that isn't only preserved in those teachings but also in ancient symbols, drawings and in sacred geometry.

Everything is coming up, becomes sense again and in a strange way finishes the previous up. It discerns, concludes and seeds anew.... but the old isn't "finished" until the first steps towards the new are done.... an elemental prinicpal....


Back to the correlations - I remember in the first half of this year, there was a lot of talk about the A.I. all around me and yes, I was in reistence at first and I'm not a fan of it at all in many ways but I also know, it's here now and so "take what's useful and leave the rest".... but what I really thought back then (I think I may even have said it in a post before), that it's just pushing us into the development of our psychic abilities as in discerning between biological and technological energies - and I know, even so the direct physical contact is easier to discern and the energies at times stronger, or easier to detect, the digital world does hold lots of energies too and there's a potential for us to learn to discern those too...

No, so far I could not say, if it's a person or an avatar talking or something alike but I get often hints about if the story I'm getting presented is manifested like that or not... Furthermore, I have had a few times totally amazing experiences with books or photos online of which the energies did hit me in an even physical way..... therefore, I conclude it's possible to learn that discernment....

This morning I was thinking about "creativity" in it's "artistic" sense - anybody and any machine can learn skills, techniques and so on but where there's no "heart" or "inspiration" involved, there will be something "missing" in the outcome - there won't be the same energy flow....

It's not possible to create "golden or silver spirals" with straight lines... so there's nothing to be afraid of, only to be aware of and to discern the usefulness and dependency....

I'm sure, in due time we/Humans will be more likely communicate telepathically instead of with a device... and I think every single person who is developping any kind of "psychic natural ability" is bringing the old to completion and anchoring more and more of the new into the grid, ready to be picked up by those who got the "antennae" for....

And when it comes to technology - I'm glad I could "talk" to you ;-)

Much Love to you All,


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