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Aligned? - Full Moon January 2022

Writer's picture: Fran ArnetFran Arnet

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

Full Moon on the 18th of January

at 6:48 am Thailand and on the 17th at 23:48 Universal Time

Working title: “lost and found” but also “cause and effect”….

Full Moons are very “illuminating” and make visible what there is formed out of the “intention” set with the New Moon – especially now with Earth just passed her Perihelion and entering Cancer and therefore the Sun Capricorn, we have this theme even more illumined…

But as I always say about cycles – they’re all entangled with each other but also within two planets cycles there are further cycles and that’s the same with the Moon…. The Moon cycles are logically bound to the Earth – Sun axis movement. There can only be a “new Moon” or “full Moon” in the sign the Earth – Sun axis “resides” in… therefore from the new Moon in a particular sign to its full Moon takes roughly 6 months and then back to the new Moon a total of almost 1 year…. It’s within the same “time range” as the Earth Solstice and Equinox axis and therefore similar themes….

The full Moon in January is therefore as looked at from this “bigger cycle of cycles” the “culmination” of the New Moon on 8th of August 2021 and will end with the New Moon in Cancer on 29th of July 2022… the Capricorn new Moon we’re just experienced will have its bigger culmination with the full Moon in Capricorn on 12th of August 2022…

The New Moon post of 8th of August 2021 was titled “unfoldment” with my working title: building the foundations for the unfoldment of the own path and gifts. Here the link for those interested:

When talking about cycles - there's also the geocentric conjunction between Pallas and Neptune just 7 hours before the full Moon - more about this further down after the full Moon talk....

When I was a child, I was afraid of the full Moon as I did sometimes see nature around me kind of “stripped naked” – I didn’t see flowers or fruits, only the branches/the roots “outside” and it scared me…

By now I understand that when we “strip” away the “seen”/obvious (if beautiful or not – not everything shiny is gold) we can see what the “foundation”/essence of it is and maybe even the purpose attached… Sometimes we have great intentions but somehow get lost on the way of action, are distracted, lost or similar but during the full Moon we can see it and are able to “adjust”/ correct, improve, “find”…. Coupled with the axis we’re on here, we can even “transform”….

The same principle is being “used” within – the emotions – the inner smart phone… yeah, we can even “strip” the emotions away in the sense of getting their call, receiving their message BUT we can then also understand that we do it the other way too and once aware/conscious about this, life changes dramatically (transformation)…. Before we’re there though, we need to check our foundations, what is underneath all that emotional tantrums and calls?? … just like the caterpillar that needs to cocoon first to be able to emerge as the butterfly it was meant to become..

This also means we have a lot of “discerning” to do – what is worth keeping for whatever future “use” and what can be “dismissed”/released as “case solved”… just like we archive old files…

But there comes a day we also need to dream about the “next” as we cleaned, cleared and filed so much that we want to give it “further purpose” in the sense of “filling the space gained” but this time differently – once we understand our own self or what “drives” us, we can give the space gained “purpose” that may be more “aligned” (if we’re not already) or even step further into that direction of “fulfillment”….

You know, just like the whole “diverting”/decluttering/sorting through we do when we move – we decide what is important for that “new life” and what not and you may promise yourself, that you will never collect so much “stuff” again but then one day you realize you did it again (well, I did, lol) but you may also realize that you “collected” different stuff than the previous time and that shows in the outside world the “changes” you went through in that period of time… I have more than once given up a lot of my stuff and downsized to only a few kilos of stuff and you know, it’s really “freeing” and gives the space to “re-invent” and to “accumulate” anew according the own “new” values…. That can be material things supporting that “new”, studies, abilities, people, experiences, time or whatever….

Details and more:

  • With Earth and Moon at 2°32’23” sid. Cancer and the Sun same degrees Capricorn.

  • The lunar nodes at 4°50’37” sid. Scorpio (South) and Taurus (North)

  • Pluto at 1°9’15” sid. Capricorn and Saturn same constellation at 20°5’21”

  • Venus and Varuna in sid. Cancer and in Trine with Mars at the Scorpion’s head.

  • Jupiter at 15°27’38 sid. Aquarius and Nessus also in Aquarius at 18°47’27” – Orcus’ Perihelion at 15° Aquarius, so he himself stands near his own Aphelion… Orcus is the “Oath Keeper” and Helper of Pluto…

  • Neptune is slowly approaching his last 30° mark before meeting with Eris again and he’s near Pallas’ Southnode and past Uranus’ Aphelion…

  • A Grandtrine between Saturn – Ceres – Hygiea…

Earth/Moon are on the ecliptical longitude of the star Procyon of Canis Minor, the protector of the “immortal Twin Pollux” of Gemini… it’s more like a cooperation that includes the star Canopus of Carina (also Argo Navis) as a navigational purposes to greater evolutionary matters as well as the Twin Pollux who holds the “greater picture/goal” of development… the star system Tegmen marks the shell of the crab and therefore a nourishing and protective cocoon can be established – one could say the “boundaries” we form because Cancer’s “heart” is soft and very perceptive and we need to clear out what has been accumulated “waste” in the sense of “done, finished, leave, transform” maybe just to be filed as “memory or information bank” without any further emotions attached….

Over in Capricorn, the Sun and Pluto still are bringing focus to what or better said how we can shine out and “transform” into our “highest good” or manifest our goals… Chariklo at 8°47’ conjoins the stars Dabih and Bos, which talk about the coherence within, that it’s that inner “belief” (if creative or destructive) that will bring forward experiences accordingly… Venus stands at 7°57’ Cancer, so just a few days away from her own Perihelion (most influence) and therefore also during the full Moon in opposition with Chariklo… so this axis is further emphasized on…

Saturn stands at 20° Capricorn at an area that talks about the sharing, the “libraries”, the “record keeping” but now in a more open way, whereas in earlier Capricorn it’s more solitary as we’re decerning, practicing and in focus…

All of this is of course a 2 way street – we not only write the records but we also access them – not only the own ones but any “public records” so to speak… through the heart, soul, spirit within we can access these records, information and guidance….

Mercury though stands at 5°5’ sid. Gemini – so at the solstice point, celestial northpole and the “anti GEN” (Galactic – equatorial – Node/ecliptic crossing point - axis) and so he, as the messenger for collaboration will be “running” through Gemini as Earth did and will then meet with Earth and Venus and Varuna in later January in sid. Cancer (between 10° to 20° Cancer)

Now all of this also plays out on the physical realm of course – we have the themes of “security”, safety, nourishment and care but also strategic thinking and focus, which can be used for any project but may be especially focused on what we not only find practical but safe and beautiful. It might be nothing we could imagine, when combining Uranus (liberation, change, scientific approach etc.) and the “non physical” realms (staying open to whatever with trust), which may bring surprising outcomes…

On the Cancer – Capricorn axis, we have the theme of selective thinking and “perception”. Once we understand that emotions aren’t the same as feelings, we’re already a big step on a path that opens great possibility… emotions do set thoughts into motion/action within and thoughts produce emotions (past and present)…

If we’re more aware and conscious of what we think and the emotions attached to it, we may be surprised how much different life becomes…. Sometimes we also have “old patterns” anchored within us that are coming up through certain emotional triggers and can be consciously “looked” at and simply decided on, if it’s really something still bothering us and why, with “honesty” to self but without judgment (our whole bio-technology isn’t judgmental, the Universe isn’t judgmental, God or Source isn’t judgmental, judgments come only from the Human ego and it’s resulting constructs/structures…)

There’s also a Grandtrine between Saturn, Ceres and Hygiea – it’s always “coherent” or “self fulfilling” energy as it’s harmonious/complimenting each other – so be aware what you nourish yourself with especially with all this Cancer energy it’s a lot meant on the “emotional level” and how “clean, clear” you keep yourself in questions of your own potentials and resources and “wishes” and focus…

Sedna is representing the "re-emerging" feminine or maybe anything else that was "forgotten" or "lost"... when we look at what is the ground or the fabric or origin on what anything emerges from, its "dark" in the sense of a vast field that can be looked at as a blank piece of paper on what we draw whatever, make seen whatever - the blank paper can hold anything, it's blank but same time full of possibility... it's there to be used, to be dreamed, to be formed that "whatever".... She stands in early Taurus, under Perseus and near the Gorgones - the "mirror energy" - so be conscious about what you send out as it might simply hit you back and what you see was "sent" out from somewhere before.... is it yours or not - we need discernment to know what is ours and what not!!

Geocentric Pallas – Neptune conjunction on 17th/18th of January 2022 in sid. Aquarius

Their heliocentric conjunction was in October 2021.

Because of the retrograde motions they meet now the 3rd and “final” time for this new cycle.

The heliocentric conjunction was at 26°36’46” Aquarius and the geocentric now at 25°43’23”.

This cycle will end with the next conjunction end of July 2026 (heliocentric) at 7 degrees Pisces.

The Two are not only timewise connected with the Full Moon but also through a “loose first Trine”. Pallas and Neptune are also in a last square by Mars at very late Scorpio over its sting and approaching the Galactic Center in early Sag…

Remember, first Trines are very creative and last squares are “revealing”…

Pallas is of “equilibrium”/equality and a “problem solver” with strategic thinking and therefore also aware of resources… more about Pallas:

Neptune is the ruler of this age and all liquids – he’s about believes, mysticism, spirituality, dreams, gaining clarity (seeing through “veils”) but also escapism… he’s also about trust…. More about Neptune:

Their conjunction in Aquarius but under the “fish head” of Pisces is significant also because it’s above Sculptor and the Phoenix and opposite late Leo – its an area that talks about “preparation” for a new “galactic cycle” on one side and flow on the other… on all realms….

It will take another few hundred years until we’ll be in the “age of Aquarius” but we’re SEEDING THE FLOW and without someone “shining out”/sharing there’s also no flow – that’s what the Leo – Aquarius axis is about… By the way, the “ruler” of Aquarius is Uranus and his Aphelion is at 24° Aquarius but his Perihelion (most influence) is in Leo – so simple this all – if there’s an Audience (Aquarius) to listen a concert or to watch a play or similar there needs to be one or more Individuals (Leo) sharing it… Therefore the “flow” is created by Individuals – therefore the flow will be as “great” as what is shared by the Individual(s)…

Now, the Individual though is sharing what is “cocooned” out on the Cancer – Capricorn axis… and that’s also where Neptune got his nodal axis (path of action) and Pallas her Aphelion – Perihelion axis (Venus’ too)

It’s a cycle that talks about creative solutions, actions and plans (mind) that come from the “inner” realms, our own “sanctuary”/cocoon where we can “hear” our intuition, “spirit”, soul, guiding system or whatever name we choose… It’s about preparing our bodies on all realms to “receive”/ hear the guidance of our “pure self” but we also need to belief and trust in this system of ours, that includes all realms – also the physical realm – I mean it’s like having an idea for a play – the idea alone won’t write it and the script alone won’t play it 😉 but remember, it’s also not only the physical – if we really want to change something significantly, we have to include those other realms otherwise we kind of repeat the same play again and again with maybe little alterations but in essence the same…

Much Love to you All,


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