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Allow yourself to ........

Writer's picture: Fran ArnetFran Arnet

Updated: Nov 8, 2022

nice red flowers on a bush by Fran Arnet
in front of my house....

Life is wonderful and given to be lived šŸ˜Š

Even so there is a lot of suffering, pain and lack in the world that surfaces for everyone to see ā€“ itā€™s exactly that what will change the condition of our livesā€¦.

More and more people ā€œwake upā€ to the fact that weā€™re creating our reality ā€“ knowingly or not ā€“ that isnā€™t a factor for it to happen. šŸ˜‰

Many people I know, even so there are many restrictions due to lockdowns and stuff, are taking it as ā€œpositiveā€ as possible ā€“ enjoy activities as possible and concentrate on that spectrum ā€“ they therefore radiate positivity to their surrounding and of course same is for the oppositeā€¦. I could tell many stories about all these people around me ā€“ as example for this or that side of the polarities ā€“ very interesting ā€“ do they know the ā€œspiritualityā€ behind it, do they know any of the terminology many of us use? ā€“ nope ā€“ they just do and become ā€œawareā€ through the experiences (at least the positive ones) that they DO change their reality, even so they wouldnā€™t necessarily call it like thisā€¦. It's about the self-love, to allow oneself to enjoy life even though others are suffering....

Yes, we hear a lot about ā€œmanifestation techniquesā€, the feeling of oneness and moreā€¦ Well, if we know it or not, we do ā€“ we do create our experience, perception and ā€œformā€ every single moment and weā€™re not alone, everyone does the very same and influences the perception of the ā€œcollectiveā€/All and whatever other names you want to choose.

Remember the Universal Laws ā€“ it IS, itā€™s not something we need ā€œto findā€ or ā€œto achieveā€, itā€™s already there and always was ā€“ everything, anythingā€¦. We only need to choose, so to speakā€¦. Like going shopping ā€“ you choose which product you buy and when you donā€™t find it in one shop you go to another or onto the net or you do it yourself, depending on the ā€œofferā€. Have you ever made the experience that you thought it would be practical to have ā€œthis or thatā€ but donā€™t even know if something alike is ā€œexistingā€ and then short after something alike is presented as a ā€œnew arrivalā€ somewhere in a shop or online? ā€“ yeah, you helped creating it šŸ˜‰ ā€¦ See ā€“ itā€™s not the question if you ā€œcanā€ do it, the question is, if you are aware of it. As soon as we know, we start ā€œtestingā€ it out ā€“ we will find out that it doesnā€™t always work and depending the person will either ā€œput it away as nonsenseā€ or start to ask ourselves, why did it work once but not another time, right!? ā€¦ Well, very simple actually, do you believe in it? Do you trust yourself and your choices?

Every single experience we make is a ā€œlessonā€ ā€“ is it a so called ā€œgoodā€ one, we take it but we usually ā€œrefuseā€ the ā€œbad or negativeā€ ones. But remember Ying-Yang ā€“ thereā€™s always something ā€œgoodā€ in everything ā€œbadā€ and the other way round.

Like thereā€™s this saying ā€œtrue light comes out of the darkā€ (I donā€™t know its origin) and thatā€™s what is happening now in the world ā€“ the ā€œdarknessā€ in form of a ā€œbadā€ experience ā€“ first of all, it shows us once more, that weā€™re All part of this Earth and can experience collectively. Where and how the outcome will be, depends of how we react to it individually as that feeds the ā€œcollective/societyā€ ā€“ every person who made something ā€œpositiveā€ out of the situation, radiates this into the world and same is true for the opposite. Which polarity are we going to feed? ā€¦ are we staying in the ā€œthey didā€, ā€œthey shouldā€, they, they theyā€¦.. but stop ā€“ where are YOU? What do you do for yourself?? ā€¦ YES, itā€™s about YOU and not the others!!!! ā€¦ā€¦

Start to ā€œturnā€ your thoughts, beliefs and focus and you will see miracles to happen for yourself and others!!... We ARE all connected, if we want it, know it or notā€¦. SO, what you do to yourself or not, is automatically done or not done to others. ā€“ under this perspective the teachings of the various religious ā€œfoundersā€ becomes sense, we just need to stay with the ā€œoriginalā€, so to speak and not the variations of the organisations built around them. It seems these variations also have their ā€œpurposeā€ though ā€“ to show the truth about the ā€œoriginā€ by the opposition šŸ˜Š There is therefore no need to ā€œfightā€ against anything or blame anything ā€“ just like when we burn our finger in the fire or a hot stove or something ā€“ it doesnā€™t make heat or fire something ā€œbadā€, it just is, but our pain gives us the realization that our skin is reacting to its influence ā€“ lesson learned, no judgment in this ā€“ only discernment ā€¦. Lol, yes, of course, there are those who have learned to walk through fire or on water ā€“ proof that nothing is ā€œabsoluteā€ beside for now the existence of the Universal laws (matrix)ā€¦.

Much Love to you All,


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