Do you love “good stories” (whatever “good” may mean for you)!!??
Yeah, we probably all do – we also grew up with stories, fairytales and maybe cartoons or whatever…
We may have heard “traditional stories” like those of the Santa Claus, the Easter eggs und bunnies and something about tooth fairies and other stories that shall calm children or awaken other types of emotional responses…
Later in life, we discover that we didn’t get the presents from an invisible magical person but from our parents and other relatives.
As we discover such “disappointments” we may put most stories into the land of phantasies…
Yet, isn’t there still a “longing” for fairytales to be more!!?? Isn’t there the feeling of romance, magic and beauty hidden within the difficulties that any hero or heroine of a story needs to go through!!?? Can we apply this to our own story too!!??