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Earth's path 01.2022

Writer's picture: Fran ArnetFran Arnet

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

Here the link to the You Tube video I made about this with the "addition title"

- anchoring, discerning, living

The Earth – Sun axis meaning:

The Sun gives out, shines out the inner “light”, the core of what there is and what wants to “come out” undaunted and pure…. The Earth symbolizes the “fertile soil” from where everything emerges… So the Sun is giving and the Earth is receiving to the world to be seen and to be shone on again for further growth and eventual “going back” and become again fertile soil….

A cycle that is ongoing – nothing is wasted and nothing is without purpose but neither without intention…

This cycle repeats all the time but in a “spiraling” way, as what descends back into the soil is making soil again and therefore is integrated as a “fertilizer”… an evolutionary cycle….

Both, the Earth and the Sun go through their very own cycles and evolutionary growth as well as every other body in the solar system and every “star system” around the galactic center of their “individual galaxy” and clusters of galaxies around their central point - all is “fractal” but in principle the same yet diverse in form.

January 2022:

In the New Moon post, I already covered the beginning of January including the Venus – Earth conjunction…

It’s the “invisible” that is the “origin” of and process or "manifestation" or “alteration” of something existing, there’s an idea behind, an inspiration and is therefore setting a creative process into motion (think of the importance of e-motions as well)…

There’s no “right or wrong” way on doing this, we just not all have the same “task” or intention and we may not all working at the same "step" of the process... but we're all part of the “river of zeitgeist”…

But - we need to be "aligned" within and without - if we have a goal but focussing on something completely different, we may become "dis-harmonious" within and a kind of feeling tired, stress or even sick can result...

There are so many possible ways to do things and that’s the wonderful thing here – we’re different and so diverse but still one “species”…

Within cycles we have different stages – we grow new, we take care of it, nurture it and it slowly becomes form and we invest strength and activity to make it grow even more until it’s in full blooming state/visible… now we start to “judge” it, in the sense of what could be “improved”, changed, enhanced in order to make it even more “profitable”, useful, beautiful, faster and so on (depending “purpose”)… Now we start “harvesting”, earning – it’s done, finished – we realize it in it’s full potential within this “cycle” and after this part, we start to “discern” and letting go of the strength/power because it’s done but we take “inventory” and with this “information” in, we start to “seed” anew but more in a “still” way, we kind of let it all “sink in” and “rest” until the new ideas “form”…

Now what happens, when the Earth and the whole solar system (and possibly further) is kind of shifting from one “stage” of cycle to another!!??? … giggles, yes, then our whole energy and possibilities change, the awareness and consciousness “changes”…. It’s just a step further in all these ongoing procedures without judgement of “good or bad”, it’s “necessary” and only possible because of the successful completion of the previous step….

As many of you may know by now, I’m very influenced by the works of Nick Anthony Fiorenza and I’ve “borrowed”/integrated some of his picture-illustrations of cycles into my website: (after his death, his own website was taken down, so luckily I preserved some of his work!!)

Like the Venus – Earth 8 years cycle (cycle within cycle) forms a Pentagram.

Or the Earth – Jupiter cycle that forms beautiful “flowers”:

With all these cycles and cycles within cycles and even further cycles it’s all soooo entangled and most interesting isn’t it…..

But let’s look now back to “ground” – the Moon and the Earth….

The Moon cycles are logically bound to the Earth – Sun axis movement. There can only be a “new Moon” or “full Moon” in the sign the Earth – Sun axis “resides” in… therefore from the new Moon in a particular sign to it’s full Moon takes roughly 6 months and then back to the new Moon a total of almost 1 year…. It’s within the same “time/sign range” as the Earth Solstice and Equinox axis and therefore similar themes….

The full Moon in January is therefore as looked at from this “bigger cycle of cycles” the “culmination” of the New Moon on 8th of August 2021 and will end with the New Moon in Cancer on 29th of July 2022… the Capricorn new Moon we’re just experienced will have it’s bigger culmination with the full Moon in Capricorn on 12th of August 2022…

The New Moon post of 8th of August 2021 was titled “unfoldment” with my working title: building the foundations for the unfoldment of the own path and gifts. Here the link for those interested:

December 2021 was all about foundations, our blueprint, intention and highest ideals etc. “highlighted” and “visible” in this sense – just like what we wish for Christmas and the new year, it comes from “those foundations”…

The Path of January:

After Earth met with Venus on the 9th, the conjunction is still “active” and is in separating aspect on the 15th of January by almost 4° when Earth stands on 0° Cancer and the Sun 0° Capricorn. From the more mental, outwards air and fire-energy to more emotional inwards energy – nurturing, caring… but also to be integrated the Sun’s placement, which means focus, “higher views and ideals” and it shifts to more “solitary energy” (both signs) and also discernment on the basis of “resonance”…

What’s important here now also is, that the Sun is about to conjoin Pluto at the last stars of the constellation Sagittarius… remember, signs and constellations isn’t the same – so we’re having some kind of “blending” energy – a “melting” together… and it’s the same for the Earth placement…

All 4 bodies are conjunct or opposing, which does add again to this melting and integrating energies… Cancer does also symbolize some kind of “cocoon” energy which is needed for the actualization of any transformational process as it happens within… if we want to “re-birth” or transform something in the outside world, we first have to go within and change from there… the solitary aspects are about “silencing” the distractions in order to be able to bring the focus to the task… so, it’s not meant to go to the cave but to be aware and maybe to “slow down” a little, to give the “Self” a bit more space and love and care…

Same time we need to look at Saturn’s and Jupiter’s path… Saturn stands 20°0’43” Capricorn and is in a grand Trine with the Mercury-Ceres conjunction in Taurus and Hygiea in Virgo… all at ca. 20°.

Ceres again nurturing energy, Mercury the messenger and communicator and Hygiea the health and especially hygiene/purity aspects… The Saturn – Pluto cycle talks about transforming, re- birthing the hidden structures or what has been a little “untrained” or almost forgotten… in this "new phase" of the Saturn-Pluto cycle, we start to “see” what’s there and needs “training”... maybe easiest to accomplish when we focus onto the own “foundations”, ideals, intentions and nurture with clarity/ purity what we discern to be beneficial to the task… if we’re lost in the emotional turmoil of the outside world, the “would and should” of blame and insecurity, we only get even more “lost”…

Just as they always say in Tarot readings (I love this sentence!!): “take what resonates and leave the rest”… you know, just because something is there doesn’t mean it’s necessarily meant for you to take… just because you’re a helpful person and care for others doesn’t mean that you have to carry their burdens for them because then you take on a lesson not yours and prevent them from having theirs and so the cycle needs to be repeated!!! …

From the 15th on, we will feel this Cancer-Capricorn axis intensively – the first half of this axis talks about observation, discernment, the sacred inner space and fire, motivation, trust and endurance, focus and practice and very importantly coherence... On this axis we also have the ability to “strip down” to the core/essence of things and self and “re-generating” and “re-defining”… a lot of activity and information and “inspiration” we get on the Gemini – Sagittarius axis and that needs to be “discerned”, stripped down to core/truth and put together anew… Just like the caterpillar that has eaten and eaten and then it cocoons and lives of what there was to miraculously come out as a butterfly, light enough to fly…. As Cancer is also the “Moon” sign, it also represents the “night”, the “dream”, the “sleep” in the sense of renewal, refreshing but also a gateway for “out of body” experiences… Cancer is the watery part here and Capricorn the earthly part of this axis – therefore Capricorn is a more “manifesting”, practical and structured energy whereas Cancer is more the emotional, the feelings but in a “steering, navigational” way.

Another aspect of this whole Cancer – Capricorn axis is also the “memory grids” or to use modern language “cloud storage”….. there are the personal, individual ones we of course have more or less access to but there are also the “collective” ones that we can also access – the “memory banks”/libraries are more a theme of the second half of the axis because we first have to “examine”/discern the information/experience in the sense of stripping the emotional “clutter” away to store just the essential information…

Full Moon on the 18th of January at 6:48 am Thailand - 17th at 23:48 Universal Time

With Earth and Moon at 2°32’23” sid. Cancer and the Sun same degrees Capricorn.

Pluto at 1°9’15” sid. Capricorn and Saturn same constellation at 20°5’21”

The previously mentioned axis themes are even more focused on because of Pluto's solar conjunction - it starts on the 15th or even before to be felt and it continues for another day or two after... this "transformational" theme is really important and does ask for focus on all levels - mentally, physically and emotionally...

We can also start to "experiment" a bit - Uranus is also still around and asks for that... and who knows, maybe we actually developed even further than we originally thought and so the "gate/door" opens to focus on even further steps...

If we’re more aware and conscious of what we think and the emotions attached to it, we may be surprised how much different life becomes…. Sometimes we also have “old patterns” anchored within us that are coming up through certain emotional triggers and can be consciously “looked” at and simply decided on, if it’s really something still bothering us and why, with “honesty” to self but without judgment (our whole bio-technology isn’t judgmental, the Universe isn’t judgmental, God or Source isn’t judgmental, judgments come only from the Human ego and it’s resulting constructs)…

22nd of January 2022

A “Saturn Grand Trine” is still active but slowly dissolves over the next days but now there’s another Grandtrine as well – it’s Venus in Cancer to Mars in Scorpio and Pallas and Chiron in Pisces… so one in Earth signs and one in Water signs but not a star of David, too far apart in degrees… But nevertheless very important as we have the theme of fundamental energies here that form harmony and coherence but as they are all “feminine energies/poles” we have to be aware and discern as otherwise we may become too “lazy” to react or “overreacting” on the other extreme, when we’re only steered by “uncontrolled emotions”…

25th of January 2022

Mercury – Venus in sidereal Cancer and Earth – Varuna also Cancer

Heart – mind – coherence / receptivity / the inner self-talk etc… but being aware of what we “anchor” within as that will dictate the “rhythm” (ups and downs) in life….

The Earth-Varuna conjunction is also talking about breathing techniques that can be used to calm someone down or to “slow” the heart in order to get a “better connection” and coherence… there are many YouTube videos from Channelors, Healers and even Scientists that teach you a variety of techniques – it’s simple, free of charge and efficient…

Earth and Varuna are at a longitude that’s close to the middle of the constellation Cancer and with that the Praesepe M44, the Beehive galaxy which stands for “shedding old skins”, slowly leaving the nest/cocoon and emerging out as the new “Being” we created…

The Mercury – Venus conjunction takes place just past Neptune’s Northnode and Venus’ own Perihelion (most influence)…. So the “heart and values” even more emphasized on and of course the path of action of Neptune, the more “revealing”/mirroring part of it….

It’s a time, when “awakening” is very easy to happen – it doesn’t matter what personal axis placements you have for this to feel, because it’s involving planetary nodes, which activates those “planets” within you…. Each of us does have Venus somewhere as well as Neptune, the way we express them or the Sun or Earth is different and so every awakening is different as we All have built different “filters and veils” and so we have different “ways”/paths….

Around the 27th/28th of January the Earth – Sun axis moves over Pallas’ Perihelion and Aphelion axis. Pallas is the creative problem solver, puts puzzle pieces together and she’s also a “recycler”, does like to use everything around as a stepping stone, so kind of using “opportunities”…. Highly inspirational and creative energies here that push us to look a little “beyond our plates”….

31st of January 2022

During this last day of the month the Earth – Sun axis is travelling over the Venus’ Perihelion and Aphelion axis as well as over Neptune’s nodal axis …

All these happenings involving the “crosses” of Neptune, Venus and Pallas take place over the head of the Hydra but “under” the last stars of the Lynx in the north and of course under Ursa Major as this big constellation does span over the full 60° of Cancer and Leo…

This whole area in Cancer is about breaking free of dogmatic behavior patterns as well as old belief systems…

You see, Hydra’s tail is south of the last stars of the constellation Virgo and just before the clutches of Scorpio/the scales/Libra… so they carry the emotional judgments of past experiences and that needs to be “transformed” to see it from a “higher perspective” and with this the “monster” becomes “the lotus” and with that we’re breaking free and finally keeping the “truth” in the records…. And then after, slowly starting to “share”/shine that “new” out into the world….

The later parts of the sign Cancer is marked by the Lion’s head “starting” at around 20° Cancer….

By the way – the Moon carries this whole Cancer energy naturally within as well and additionally emphasized on once a month 😉 for everyone….

Much Love to you All,


For “tips”/donations directly:

The page with a “conjunction list” for 2022:

Extended 2022 page for Members only:

Credit/References: all charts are created using the free software by sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)

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