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Equinox March 2023

Writer's picture: Fran ArnetFran Arnet

Updated: Jan 22, 2024

Heliocentric sidereal Astrology – what happens from the Sun’s perspective for our evolutionary paths

In heliocentric Astrology, we look as we would be the Sun. The Sun, does have an own path and all the planets go with that path. From the Sun’s view, as orbiting the Galactic Center and currently towards a point north of the Galactic Center between the constellations Hercules and Lyra (north of Sagittarius), got another view of what is “rising” etc. than when we look from Earth. The Vernal Point (March equinox) in heliocentric view, is around the MC, therefore 10th house energy and is roughly the same all over the Earth and year…

This year the Equinox will be exact - Universal Time on 20th of March at 21:21 - and Thailand Time on 21st of March at 4:21am

The Earth-Moon system at 4°40’33” sidereal Virgo a little passed the “beta” star Zavijava of Virgo (outline of the hair or in old depictions the top of the virgin’s “lower” wing and in Arabia was part of the “dogs kennel”) and in conjunction of longitude with asteroid Ceres approaching the northern Virgo Cluster – also all under the North Galactic Pole.

The Sun therefore at 4°40’33” sidereal Pisces just passed Neptune and stands over the South Galactic Pole.

This axis here is very important – it’s not only the axis of our current equinoxes (celestial equator) but also the axis of the galactic poles…. In our current times, that means we do experience alignments (being “parallel” in this sense) with the galactic plane, which happens only roughly every 6’400 years…. So, something is definitely “special” about this time, this shift – I mean, how much happens only in 2 or 3 years or 20 years but now we’re dealing with 6400 years we kind of “conclude”, finish and bring into a new chapter…

Sounds huge right 😉 – well, it is, but we don’t need to carry the whole Earth and her history on our shoulders, nope… Earth takes care herself, she’s very much capable of doing so, we can help her though by expressing ourselves (Sun) as authentically and whole as we can. We help ourselves; we help Earth and the whole of humanity and probably beyond.

Isn’t it interesting, that what sounds to be the simplest things “to be ourselves” turns at times out to be so difficult to achieve!!??

When I look at the list of conjunctions / new beginnings we’re in – some for years already and some just recently or upcoming – it’s no wonder… we’re not only in a “bridging time” but also in “transformational times”. It may feel as being “pushed” into something we not really understand fully and we might be scared at times and then we might feel like in “joy or bliss” (yeah, now I know)… hmmm… well, then comes the “the more I know, the more I know what I don’t know” realization, yet, with each of those “spiraling rounds” we gain new insights, new tools, new ideas and energy to go on and figure out more of what we don’t yet know…

As I always say, the “scientific approach” in the sense of “experimenting” and taking the information from the success as well as from the “failure” – both hold information that are useful and benevolent. The same is true for whatever has hurt us, left behind in confusion and insecurity, feelings of lack and so on…

It doesn’t mean, we’re now particularly happy when we go through a “negative” phase or an experiment didn’t bring the outcome we had wished for etc. but how deep we stay in that and if we anchor ourselves within – yes, we can have all the emotions of sadness, grief, guilt, anger, frustration and so on, yet, do we choose that our basis of operation or as a temporary healthy reaction / response to an “event”/experience…

The manifestation of our lives, how we experience / feel it, is in direct connection with what we ground ourselves into. With each step we go we “nourish” – it’s like we give focus and emotion to whatever and with that, and either action or “non action” we “attract”/create.

It’s just how it works, a principle or “natural law”.

- Just recently, I have heard an interview on Substack with Patty Smith – she said a sentence, that is very matching: “Pessimism breeds nothing. A pessimistic person does not create anything. A pessimistic person does not envision anything.” - here the link to the interview:

Heliocentric astrology chart about the March Equinox 2023

As you can see in the chart (Earth/Moon and Ceres circled and in opposition with the vernal point – where the Sun would be as seen from Earth) – the Equinox axis is embedded in the Grand Trine with Sedna and Pluto and so we have an “imagined” kite configuration or as I like to call it a “pyramid” or diamond with Earth/Moon and Ceres as the top or apex.

Neptune is close enough to the Sun and in orb of opposition to help form the “foundation” of this pyramid, together with Pluto and Sedna… Pluto is also in a square with Haumea (mid wife energy) in the constellation Virgo in early Libra and Sedna is in a square by Saturn in early sidereal Aquarius. Saturn though is still in his semi sextile (30°) angle from Pluto and therefore in Trine with Haumea and with Venus in early sidereal Gemini over Orion, approaching the Solstice axis here and the so called “Gate of Man” or Silver gate (crossing of the galactic equator with the ecliptic).

Beside that, a very foundational, visionary, creative Grand Trine and active sextiles that give a bit of a “push” energy towards the GT, in order to easier “fulfill” it in this sense… A GT, because it’s so natural energy, seems so easy and familiar can at times lead to some “laziness”/inertia the idea or motion of there’s no “need” for “furthering”, evolving or developing - often it can also be, that we stay within the “dream”, the creative idea without taking steps to actualize it …. So, we need to “push” through that inertia or lack of understanding and the challenges or “disruptions” we face, shows us actually “where” we are kind of “trapped”, where a “push through” with a bit of “force” may be needed, in order to break that “pattern”, to create that “flow” within the diversity of life…

I know, it's sometimes hard and I do let many "ideas" go unfulfilled - often I have these ideas in my head, writing and making videos (I should buy a recording thing) but I'm busy with something else or think I need to cook and eat first and then I do - sigh, yet, it's gone....

Sedna in mythology did face horrible trauma, horrible betrayal and she did retreat and from there created her “own kingdom”… she didn’t stay in that “lack or victim” consciousness nor in the inertia or “frozen” state… yet, she had to go through it all, step by step – she does contain that all and what is “beyond”.

Notable also is here, that Saturn has passed Sedna’s Southnode not long ago – again, discerning energy – she’ll mirror it – can we mature ourselves towards our “true self” to become conscious creator beings, if we choose our “higher self”/soul as our “authority”…

….. a little “surprise” here – Sedna was from December 2014 to end of October 2015 at her most southern latitude at 29° sidereal Aries and that happens only every roughly 11’400 years or so, she “travelled” since almost as many degrees in longitude as she sometimes does in a 1’000 years…. And when she did start that journey, she was opposed by Saturn in that chart… When she was at her Northnode for 10 days in 1431 she was opposed by Neptune…

Talking of challenges – these weeks and months passed, may have already hold many of those. When I think of all these conjunctions as in the post of 03 – 2023 which is still pretty active or the one for 02 and 03 2023 as well as the earlier February 2023 one, we can see the involvements of Pluto and Eris and that’s always deep nor anything for “week nerves” 😉 … yet, the benefits are plenty, once we’re through or accept the challenge as a way to liberate the creative potential and stability of being in natural flow…

Venus does also again play a role here – she’s holding the T of the squares to the equinox axis and Neptune, and she stands near Saturn’s perihelion longitude…

The world around us is in no way “separate” from us – everything is connected and interwoven. We can be alone and lonely or we can be alone and feel part… and we can be the vessel through which the Universe acts, if we allow that…

Remember from the Saturn course part (course is free of charge - membership needed) – he’s by far not the “bad one” as it’s sometimes told or perceived – none of them are, just some easier to deal with than others….

Where and when does our heart beat in happiness – can we feel, or lift up even at the strangest of situations, let go of fear based action, transcend and trust the guidance we get every day and being like a “vessel” for the “higher realms” to act through…. Each of us does have the ability to discern of what is emotion and what is feeling and we can follow that guidance. That’s how our “heart” is guiding, a simple “yes or no” and if we take that as guidance or foundation to build and structure from, we’ll have no problems to navigate…

Remember, we’re creating our world – we attract through resonance – wherever we “ground” ourselves in, there we are and we get that mirrored and it goes faster now…

And trust me, if you go against that, and think your ego knows it better, you’ll get the mirror shown right away… have been there sometimes during the last weeks…. VERY obvious and feelable differences 😉 – we may be able to lie and betray ourselves on the ego level but not in the outer/ higher realms, so be aware of that…

During the last weeks, I felt really challenged in this regard - I had some hours, I almost let myself "fall" but got myself up again and that with more clarity and a feeling of inner strength and "teamwork", that I didn't have before to this extent....

Talking about "teamwork" - I would like to add Ceres into the picture - she's also called the "mother of the Asteroids" and is situated in the main belt (between Mars and Jupiter) and talks about "nourishment", means how do we nourish ourselves and others and also how we would like to be nourished.... yet, just as the saying goes "you are what you eat", that extends also to what we consume on any level, what we read, watch, the news and so on - here at 4th house energy, it's about "home", private, roots, foundations.... paired with Earth, under the galactic northpole and the Virgo cluster, we can get signs and synchronicities that guide us very easily and we may experience that also in our dreams or in "sudden ideas" or the "various clairs"....

There's yet something very important with all this "discerning" energy included - what is your way of perceiving - we're all "equal" in this sense, so we all have "our ways" and none is better than the other, so trust your own system....

Just 20 hours after the Equinox there will be the New Moon happening - so, a new Moon cycle and new chance to live according the maybe new or improved/ more stable foundation we have anchored ourselves in during these times... "new Earth" as some call it, is here already (maybe always was) if we choose to live accordingly...

As everything is also about taking action, making steps towards whatever we want from the "light" vs "heavy" feeling, from love and beauty vs fear, fight and destruction (doesn't mean we have to say "yes" all the time, it can include a "no"), we should also look at Mars. He's transiting through sidereal Cancer at the moment and will a few days later, be in exact conjunction with Varuna (can be associated with the principle of rhythm). Varuna a little north of the ecliptic and Mars quite "on" the ecliptic - that also means we have the Beehive cluster (Praesepe), the Asellus stars and Decapoda (all of Cancer) involved. It's very structuring, ending and beginning, self-realizing and governing energy - so a bit like a womb, where we create ourselves and the life around us, for us and others).

They are in a 150° angle with Pholus and Ixion - both Centaurs - Ixion like the "lust for life" (very potent, strong energy - can be used in many ways) and Pholus a wise teacher and guardian that can bring some "visual perception ability" (from physical eyes to the inner eyes). As they stand between 7 to 11,5 degrees of sidereal Sagittarius, an area aiming for truth, "facing" truth etc. we may have to look within and deep. Is the "lust" a true one or not, where does it lead to when following that impulse etc... Mars is here in a "last" aspect to Pholus and Ixion, whereas the Centaurs are in a first with Varuna. Mars is already "aware" and may have to adjust, improve a bit, correct the way; whereas the Centaurs may have to "calm their horses" a bit - where could they do that better than in Sagittarius, who's a Centaur as well... linking the realms is what Centaurs in general do but also guard and protect the "realms"....

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Much Love to you All,


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Credit/References: all charts are created using the free software by - choose "extended chart selections".... sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)

Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar planer (website no longer available directly but in internet archives)

Dane Rudhyar - many publications and books.... available through "Rudhyar Archival Project"... by Astrology University..... by Michael Meyer on

My own researches, inspirations, intuition, experiences and dreams…

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