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"Houses" and "Signs" - their relationships in Astrology

Writer's picture: Fran ArnetFran Arnet

Updated: Sep 18, 2024

To me Astrology is a "path or way of life" - it's very revealing, not only on my very own personal journey but also what I find out about all the related themes within this "whole" - the global, personal or interpersonal connections within all of that...

Quite some time ago, I did one night have this sudden "urge" of comparing numbers of "house counts" in a "global sense" or the count of the "signs" in various directions and views...

I have talked about this briefly several times, yet now made some diagrams about it, to make it "visible" and have finally even put it up onto my website and this post will become a part of it too....

The "division" into 12 sections - signs - houses

The official 12 zodiac signs along the ecliptic, each 30 degrees to complete the 360 of a circle.

How did this come and why are the "borders" where they are - questions that came naturally to me, once I had left "tropical astrology" and watched the night sky and path of the Moon and planets along the sky, identifying stars and constellations and not any abstract division lines....

Do I want to apply them in my way of Astrology or not - so I had to know, besides the practicality of calculating angles, why, what's their intentions...

Yet, this quest did also bring me more and more into geometry, the "entanglement" there and how all this also relates to many teachings of ancient times.

The "12" we know, is an important number in many such teachings and so I think, it's worthwhile to explore this "wheel" a little further...



There are many “clocks” we’re under – we have the path of the Moon around the Earth, the Earth around the Sun and the Sun “around” the Galactic Center.

Yet, each got their own “inner cycles” and “wobbles” and they cause other “clocks” as well.

There’s a lot to integrate in this sense.


Probably the most famous one is the precession of the Equinoxes – the shift of the March Equinox point in relation to the “backdrop” of stars and their constellations.

We’re currently in the “age of Pisces”, which means the March Equinox happens with the Sun seen from Earth in the constellation Pisces – in the early parts of sidereal Pisces, at the neck of the westward swimming fish.


The March Equinox marks the start of spring in the northern hemisphere and the start of autumn in the southern hemisphere


From the viewpoint of the Sun, we always see Earth in the chart and that’s always opposite to where we see the Sun in a geocentric chart.

In this sense, we have during a March equinox, the Earth at the point where we see the Sun during the September equinox and of course “vise versa”…

Both points are always occupied and naturally the same happens during the Solstices and of course “always”….


As the Sun travels an own path, the Equinoxes and Solstices do not happen for the Sun in this sense – or I should maybe say, what the Sun sees as backdrop stars is the same, yet where the Sun sees that is different.

So, for the Sun, the March Equinox point is roughly marking the MC, the 10th house, the "mid heaven". Whereas for Earth, we see it as the 1st house of the Sun, or in heliocentric view, Earth would stand in the 7th house…

Therefore 2 clocks…


The 2 clocks though aren’t exactly aligned because the Sun got an own path, got an own “tilt” and “wobble”…

I show you the simplistic way first – yet, I thought it not right, so I had to go further and these results I show you in the “more detailed version” – both reveal some interesting correlations….

Compilation “simple”


I mentioned the precession of the Equinoxes, which is "opposite" to the planetary movement – creating 2 “directions” in this sense.

We can either count from 1 to 2 to 3 etc. or from 1 to 12 to 11 etc.

The same we can do for the Sun’s perspective – we have 10 to 11 to 12 to 1 etc. and we have from 10 to 9 to 8 to 7…


So, YES, it becomes pretty complicated when thinking about the fact, that then each sign embodies 4 houses… 2 clocks with each 2 directions…                  



Geo / Helio


Geo / Helio



Geo / Helio


Geo / Helio



1  /  10

10  /  1


7   /   4

4   /   7


2  /  11

  9  /  12


8   /   5

3   /   6


3  /  12

  8  /  11


9   /   6

2   /   5


4  /   1

  7  /  10


10  /  7

1   /   4


5  /   2

  6  /  9


11  /  8

12  /  3


6  /   3

  5 /   8


12  /  9

11  /  2

Note: the direction of precession is the same as how we see the star move from Earth.


Now please note the “mirroring” and “relationships” created!!!

Pisces and Virgo are “exceptional” in this sense and are always “opposing” in this sense, whereas Gemini and Sagittarius are mirroring each other and Pisces and Virgo…


Aries and Aquarius build a “pair” another “pair” is created by Taurus and Capricorn, followed by Cancer with Scorpio and Leo with Libra…


 Let’s look at this within a chart / circle wheel:

Simple compilation of sidereal signs in geocentric and heliocentric view by Fran Arnet at FA empowerment astrology

I added the “house numbers” from the list in planetary direction only…


It’s easy to see the mirroring and even there’s always an opposition involved, there are really astonishing connections of the mirroring in the sense of angles…


The Pisces – Virgo axis though, is an exception…. Not a “mirror” … Axis of rotation instead, the “poles” ….




Compilation “detailed”


Let us look at the same, when using the whole signs again, yet, from the precession direction…


Geocentric planetary direction, we have the same as before Pisces is 1, then Aries 2, etc. and the same for the Sun’s perspective with planetary direction, Pisces 10, Aries 11 etc.

Precession movement, in geocentric view, we get most of Pisces as the 12th, Aquarius the 1st, Capricorn the 2nd etc. (Aries therefore the 11th)….

Precession movement, heliocentric, we get a lot of Pisces as the 9th, Aquarius the 10th, Capricorn the 11th, … etc.


Yet, this is all only “true” for those planets along the ecliptic, because these “lines” are not “straight”, they look more like “rays”. When a planetary body stands noticeably north or south of the ecliptic, it might be still or already in another “house”….



Geo / Helio


Geo / Helio



Geo / Helio


Geo / Helio



1  /  10

12  /  9


7   /   4

6   /   3


2  /  11

11  /  8


8   /   5

5   /   2


3  /  12

10  /  7


9   /   6

4   /   1


4  /   1

  9  /  6


10  /  7

3   /  12


/   2

  8  /  5


11  /  8

2   /  11


6  /   3

  7 /   4


12  /  9

1   /  10


Now please note the “mirroring” and “relationships” created, have shifted quite a lot…

What I find especially “funny” within this, is that we get Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn as the traditionally called “cardinal signs” (making the directions) to be the only “within themselves” mirroring (red numbers)… isn’t THIS interesting!!                  


Let’s look at this within a chart / circle wheel:

Graph of heliocentric and geocentric 12 sign division in sidereal Astrology including planetary and precession direction by Fran Arnet at FA empowerment

Now we got a “cross” of multiple “houses”, there’s no “special axis” anymore.

Pisces now forms a direct “relationship – mirror” with Aquarius and same happens with Virgo and Leo…

Cancer is now in relationship with Libra – Aries with Capricorn and Taurus with Sagittarius… kind of “odd”...

In the “simple” example, it made a lot of sense – now, with “turned direction” graph something unexpected showed up…



In both examples we can see that in planetary direction, in geocentric view, Pisces becomes the first house – named Aries in tropical astrology. The March Equinox point (vernal point) at almost 5° sidereal Pisces is in astronomy called “Zero point Aries”. In Astronomy and tropical Astrology, the “wheel” turns all the time with that equinox point….

When we now look at Pisces from an evolutionary / precession view, then most of the sign of Pisces becomes the 12th house, which then again corresponds with the perception of the tropical geocentric astrology.


In sidereal Astrology, we’re using the names of the constellations of the now time, and name the divisions the same as most part of the constellation that is visible within those 30°… therefore, most of the constellation Pisces lies in the sidereal sign of Pisces.

After that, we may add a “house system” on top of that… yet, that’s only in geocentric view.  


I think the real problem between the “mainstream / tropical” astrology and the sidereal astrology is actually the naming of the sections… it’s confusing…


So - when we know that - we have it "easy" especially in sidereal Astrology to actually "combine" the knowledge and maybe evolve the Astrology further....

When taking the heliocentric view into count, we'll then also expand to a further "clock" and that's the one that's related to the galaxy, the galactic connections....

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Credit/References: all charts are created using the free software by - choose "extended chart selections".... sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)

Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar planer (website no longer available directly but in internet archives)

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