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It hits deep - New Moon 2nd/3rd of March 2022

Writer's picture: Fran ArnetFran Arnet

Updated: Feb 16, 2023

A new Moon – a new lunar month but also a new “Aquarius lunar cycle” starts…

So much is going on around and on this day, giving a lot of “importance” to it – very strong on the geocentric level…

This upcoming New Moon happens with the Sun and Moon at 16°48’16” Aquarius and Earth same degrees Leo – Sun and Moon are approaching the Jupiter-Nessus conjunction at 19° (roughly 8 hours prior to the New Moon geocentric and on 26th February heliocentric). Earth is in opposition to this and approaching Orcus at almost 18° Leo.

12,5 hours after the New Moon the lunar nodes change to the signs Libra (Southnode) and Aries (Northnode) – they will stay on this sign axis for roughly 1,5 years – so it’s an important cycle, as it’s like the “path of action” of the Moon with Earth within the theme (= emotional needs are literally “moving” the waters).

Ca. 13 hours after the new Moon we will be able to observe the geocentric exact conjunction of Mars with Pluto, Venus 18 minutes “behind” and Vesta 1°26 minutes behind (Mars-Pluto).. the heliocentric Mars-Pluto conjunction will be on 19th of April.

Venus-Pluto exact conjunction roughly another 12 hours later (heliocentric 6th of May)

Venus-Mars exact conjunction on 6th of March (heliocentric 17th of May) and a few hours later the exact conjunction of Vesta with Pluto (heliocentric 5th of May)

So, you may understand why the Pluto-Day post was “important” 😉 Since the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January 2020 both of them have started a new “cycle” about their path of action with us/Earth… so every conjunction each of them had or are having since is also affecting those bodies actions with us in a new way… especially since Jupiter was involved as well and some Asteroids and Centaurs…. In April Jupiter and Saturn will be at exactly 30° into their cycle (heliocentric).

All is different now, all has changed…. As I explained in my post, Pluto has passed with the Saturn conjunction also his own “culmination point” (opposition) of him being in our awareness – so it’s now all about our consciousness… Here the link to that video:

The above mentioned geocentric conjunctions are marking a new beginning but same time are a kind of “preparation” until the heliocentric conjunctions…

Most of us by now may understand the principles of vibration and resonance – we feel it, we observe it especially in these last 2 years full of fears and polarities… One against another, shaming and blaming – a constant back and forth – judgments that ask for “revenge” or punishment and so on….

Many can see through and decided not to follow all these happenings anymore and concentrate onto what is important and beneficial for themselves – yes, that’s a possibility – others may want to know what is going on and that’s fine too as long as we’re not getting “sucked into” the whole story in an emotional, reactive way…

Whatever is going on in our lives individually or globally – we can always try to maintain a kind of “observer view” in the sense of “neutral information” and analyze it for ourselves but when we become emotionally involved, we’re “inside” again and may feed one or the other polarity.

As we’re entering pretty “explosive” times, it’s very important to maintain a “cool approach” – so many of us just want balance and harmony but that can’t be done when we stay in one or another polarity of the “old energies”. It doesn’t mean that we have to agree to everything or being in “victim position”, no – but we can find a solution based on balanced, integer being.

What we think and belief does form a kind of “container” in which we operate or we could also say the “limitation” – also the “sphere” that gives the “container” to for example cells or electro-magnetic fields etc… we find the same principle on all scales and realms….

As we’re All the same and connected we’re also all individuals, occupying a different space and with that a different view point and experience of which we take certain conclusions – even with a very similar perspective and experience we may individually make different conclusions or “containers” out of it….

As long as we live in this own “container” we can only work with what is “there” as accepted possibility for Self…. In whatever matter/sense/question….

As a Friend just said to me “when I stopped searching, all came to me”… It’s exactly what “spiritual Teachers” always say, to “let go of the outcome” or in my Friend’s words “searching”…

I more and more often have similar experiences – a little “every day experience” – I was sitting with another Friend for coffee and while he was “ramping” about something, I was thinking about where I could get the broom I promised someone else to bring, I also thought I don’t want to drive around a lot…. Then I did let go of that by thinking “I’ll figure it out” and when I next looked towards the street I saw an elderly man pushing a cart loaded with all kinds of brooms for sell… so I could buy it right then and there….

The principle is always the same – we can open ourselves for “possibilities” to happen or we can “search” within the “known” and miss out… May that now be such little manifestations, that save a lot of time and effort or if it’s in deeper, essential questions or endeavors, it works the same way…. Also with questions we have, we may get answers by direct knowing, an idea, the screen of laptop or phone suddenly jumping to the right place, a video playing without us pushing play and so on, animals or noises appearing at a specific time or spot and sooooo much more (well of course also the numbers, lol)….

Many of us are still “hold back” by this idea of “hard work” will get us to the task – that’s true in some way but not in the way that commonly is thought of – we need intention, focus, will but also openness for the chances to appear, to recognize them as what they are…. It starts with a decision/intention and then the wheel turns accordingly – at every step on the way, we decide again, which way we go – it’s often hard but sometimes not in the sense of the above mentioned “hard work” but in the sense of it being hard to stand “against” the main-stream, that which is commonly thought about to be “normal” and possible… (the “Liberator” and Scientist Uranus is transiting over the head of Cetus – “collective consciousness” or narrative/”containers” – also the lunar nodal axis or specific the Northnode will “transiting” over Uranus in the 2 weeks from New Moon on 29th July to full Moon on 12th of August)

Everything happens on all scales – we’re talking about principles, “mechanisms” that we become aware of individually but also in groups, society and globally as the Human species… we can use the information best, if we “stand above” in the sense of “emotional involvement” – many of us are learning/ working with this and learning from various “perspectives” – wonderful right 😉

To me it's all about the "organic" technology - the understanding of how all the Universal laws work (or at least to some degree) and using them - we're on a path, that will one day lead to a total different way of living - we're creating the "bridges" to that....

More detailed explanations:

The Leo – Aquarius axis is a “shining, sharing one”… as I say so often, Aquarius always brings flow the question is only “what kind”….

The Moon and the Sun conjoined is always a special time, as the emotional needs are illumined and want to be “shined out” – Earth is giving us the foundations and ground to do so – or lets say gives emphasis on the fact, that everything emerges from within or in the case of Leo, from the Individuum. Aquarius does on the other side symbolizes the flow produced by the collaboration of many/groups or societies and humanity as a whole – kind of like “the 3 musketeer” as “one for all and all for one”… but there’s more to it than these “outside” views – within ourselves we produce flow as well – the Aquarian waters do flow within our systems/body as well – what we “command” to ourselves, how we collaborate within ourselves does produce a flow accordingly and now you can even think this further into multidimensionality….

When we look at the whole area here in Aquarius including the southern constellations, we see the water is disbursed and “flowing back” towards Capricorn right into the mouth of nowadays Pisces Austrinus…

The bright star in Piscis Austrinus is the famous Fomalhaut often associated with the Archangel Gabriel. Some sources state, that mythologically Piscis Austrinus might be the “parent” of the two fishes of Pisces.

Fomalhaut of Piscis Austrinus star map by stellarium

This whole several degrees of longitude are also talking about being or becoming aware of the full flow of the souls journey and especially the “resources” within…

So we have the major themes of awareness, collaboration and resources….

Picture credit:

In the and Stelarium.

“Opposing” is the sign and constellation Leo with all its southern and northern “companions”. Leo is about the Individual, living life just for that “sole” purpose in integrity and authenticity… There’s not “only” Earth here but also Orcus, the helper of Pluto and “Keeper of Oath” and a symbol of harmony and balance… He stands south of the ecliptic in the constellation Hydra, above the sails of the Argo Navis.

In the northern sky we see some stars of Ursa Major – the Bear or some call it the wagon. It’s a more governing or in best case guiding constellation…

Earth conjoins the star Zosma which can bring the feeling of being “broken”, burdened or can remind us of times we felt alike but came out fine and this “knowing”, this empowerment from our very own life-journey can help us to navigate through storms….

In all of Leo we find the themes of power, willpower and how it’s used and perceived. It’s a fiery, active, doing, shining, warm energy that flows here but power can always be misused. Not only in the outside but also within – are we going with or against ourselves and our better “knowing”??

A very important attribute of Leo though is the “moment”, Leo can shine out just right now and with no further thoughts about the past nor the future – just “now” – it’s a kind of “childlike” kind of behavior that can be brought into adulthood in a conscious, mature way…

The Jupiter – Nessus conjunction is still active (heliocentric and just happened exact a few hours prior to the New Moon) and just 2 to 3 degrees away from the New Moon (Sun and Moon) and opposing Earth and Orcus. It also means that area of Aquarius is also still themed through the Two.

Jupiter will be travelling for the next weeks towards and over Achernar and Ankaa the alphastars of Eridanus and the Phoenix – so we can experience a growing awareness and broader and “higher” perspectives about our very own lives, purpose and resources…. And especially about the themes of self-empowerment, self-fulfillment and how we deal with experiences perceived as “broken back”, burdens and Nessus themes of “abuse”, neglect and so on… remember what I said about the at first sight only negative aspects of Nessus – it can be used as a “tool” by simply applying it to what is preferred to be “neglected” and with that, it can become a virtue….

All of these Bodies on this axis are also in direct aspect to Uranus in Aries, over the head of Cetus and under the feet of Andromeda.

Liberation, rebellion but also technology, sciences and artsciences and our “bio-technology” are Uranus’ themes in an area that talks about the entrapment/chains we put on ourselves through the mindset of collective memory, which needs to be “freed” – humanities history does go much further back than what we can read in history books and therefore may tell us an "incomplete" story of it all and what we have preserved from ancient times might have been a little lost in translation but slowly surfaces into our awareness and with that we gain the tools to free us from those chains in full self-awareness, empowerment and leading our own ways…. Individually though, we may already be on those paths and can gain the stamina needed to go with our own flow and help others to find their personal self-empowerment and flow….

Just keep the "non interference" law in mind - don't try to help those who do not ask for it as that experience as horrible it might be, may just be what is needed.... most children will touch the hot plate sooner or later and learn from it....

The Pallas – Chiron conjunction is right in between Jupiter-Nessus and Uranus – 30° away from each of them….

If looked at this conjunction “alone” it’s in a 150° angle to Earth and Orcus and would feel difficult, limiting, hard, challenging maybe even as "impossible" or "too much"… but as it’s embedded with all that I said before, it can become a “gift”, something that results from everything else, unfolded, unraveled through the works and growth experienced, mastered and spiritualized but may also be felt or perceived with "a crying eye" … - In the heliocentric chart Venus is directly opposing and when we integrate that heart and beauty we reward ourselves, we “heal” and we may gain even more clarity about the self/all especially as Venus stands over the constellation Corvus the Raven – wisdom and foresight – which is gained and to be integrated again…. So, even if the beach isn't sandy but with "cutting edgy stones" we will reach that ocean with all it's wonders, if we choose to go all the way - sometimes when we're swimming against the "common/normal/accepted" we have to endure name callings and all sort of things into judgmental direction - if we're "pure" in our intention we will be the "clever one" that leaves the "ignorant standing" with compassion and understanding....

Change of Lunar Nodal Axis

During this New Moon – 12,5 hours after it to be exact – the Moon’s nodal axis (path of action) will change into Aries (North) and Libra (South) sign and constellation Libra…

The lunar nodal axis moves in the direction of the precession of the equinoxes – clockwise – so from 29°59’59” to 0° and that takes roughly 1,5 years, so a total of once around of roughly 18.5 years.

The Southnode symbolizes the identification, the reason but also the gifts, talents and inherent attributes but we need to include all that the Northnode symbolizes as a “mirror” or reflection point of awareness, so we can balance out and reach or fulfill our goal…. So there’s a lot of discerning, letting go and integration, enhancing energy within nodal themes…

As the Moon represents the emotional needs, which some Astrologers also call “the ego”, we do have an inherently difficult task here as we have to “see through the veils” of those more “egoic” or learned attributes and know about what is “really” there… so from outer focus to inner focus. What of the Southnode attributes is to be “released” and what from the “northern” ones to be integrated or strengthened in order to become a more “whole”, balanced, authentic “Self in action”….

Northnode – late Aries…

This area is of forward-orientated action to fulfill any kind of “desire”, which can also be felt as “erupting”. It can manifest as sexual drive, creative action but also as “war-like” energy – depending one’s choice as there is also the energies that talk about the inner need for truth and righteousness (not justice!!!). “War like energy” also means that there would have to be an “enemy”, someone or something to blame for whatever and same time a "victim". A pattern we’re All very well aware and accustomed to but not really serving one – neither within, nor without. Patterns aren’t easy to break but there’s always that day one can start with a first step/decision….

Southnode – late Libra

The “claws” represent the balancing act between the future and the past – the finalizing of the past to find that “middle”, the “now”. It’s the “now” that defines the future – not the past, unless we “now” dwell in the past and worry about the future – we need to trust in our now-moment, into our “life path”, the abilities we have and go the way in harmony with that which was and that, which we may be and we don’t know yet…. In that moment of “now”, we have all information together, it’s like the “Zero-point of new cycle combined with the 360° of full cycle”…. Another attribute of Libra is the “judgment” in all its various forms and an often “desperate hunt” for balance and harmony in the outside…

From the nodal perspective (direction of path) we have already conquered the Medusa with her “stone producing features” – or that which was fossilized… so, we know about the procedure of it all and now have the possibility to take another path/route, to directly apply the wisdom gained and act according to it… we can apply creative action (as opposed to destructive action) and use simple discernment instead of judgment (as this so often means a “punishment” to follow). Baggage or “fossils” of the past can be let go of and its wisdom integrated - to cling to it in an emotional way does keep us back from going forward – sometimes its needed for some time but one day, the time is right to let it go… Just like we describe a feeling of “relief” with the synonym “a stone broke off my heart” and then we’re so much lighter that we can freely and creatively go ahead towards the unknown future…

The energies will change around end of August, when the nodal axis moves over the head of Cetus in Aries and past the constellation Libra towards the “Libra side” of the constellation Virgo.

The geocentric conjunctions:

Mars – Pluto….. Venus – Pluto…. Venus – Mars… Vesta – Pluto

Hmm… well it’s obvious that Pluto is very actively sharing energies with many 😉

Mars as our willpower and action in the world combined with a “higher” deeper octave of immense power that transforms is really something that will be “feelable”….

Venus now back to be faster than Mars conjoins both of them in short “time distance” and then Vesta makes her visit to Pluto, which brings dedication and passion, the true inner fire into play as well… It’s important to get away from the mere understanding of Mars being “the war” and Venus “the love” – Mars is our way of “impact”, how we act in the world, bring ourselves out there in a physical but also protective way, its masculine power, to get something done etc… Venus though is about our values which includes not only our “non physical values” but also things like property, money etc., what we perceive as beautiful (like in arts or nature etc.)… Venus, if “lived” in an immature way, can produce “desires”, not only likes and wants but strong desires and jealousy etc… now combine this all with “devotion and passion” of Vesta and the very powerful energies of Pluto as a “gatekeeper”, as a transformer, as the “ruler” of the outer parts of the “container” of our solar system….

This can bring much turbulence into our world – EXPLOSIVE it can become….

It’s not to be misunderstood though as it’s all about the rise of consciousness and understanding of the “entanglement” or “mechanism”/principles of the works of the planetary body-themes involved here… with such understanding we “rise” from the “ashes of ignorance” (no awareness, no understanding, no consciousness), we improve not only ourselves but automatically others – we “help” everyone by working on ourselves as we have put that “out”, such a “evolved” way of doing something will affect our surrounding / being contagious…

Often we have to go through some extreme experiences to feel enough stress to actually come out of the “comfort” of the known, so a kind of revealing experience that makes us “see” (conscious)… this can be perceived as uncomfortable or even traumatic at times… I guess, that we know very well, judging the last 2plus years… What have we learned during this time, what have we observed within and in the outside, what have we actually changed and now like for example...

We’re all “students and teachers” the same – we all hold “puzzle pieces” and together we will go through this – for those conscious and aware maybe a little “smoother” than for others but still with compassion and understanding… All of us who went through a lot in the past can help now but I guess we also All feel the understanding/compassion for those going through it now or in the future...

It’s an “implosion” of some kind and from there we build a new – we can activate our very deep inner powers and work towards that which we really want…

When we look at all the correlations we see between the chart of Pluto’s discovery chart with his “birthday” chart in this February, we get an idea or at least I got one and it’s further confirming what I have seen with the charts and path of the Eris-Sedna cycle…

In 1930 Pluto stood in late Gemini with Mars in opposition, asking for integration in a conscious evolutionary way – we were then going through financial crises and breakdowns and then through a second world war. During this time it did really hit “home” – what is home, what is safety and how and where do we feel "safe" …. in 1942 Pluto stood at 22° Cancer or better said under the head of the Lion… in 1966 Uranus joined Pluto for conjunction at 22° Leo and in 1969 Pluto shifted into Virgo… now he has shifted into Capricorn just at the last stars of the constellation Sagittarius – so a shift is taking place…

After the war everybody tried to re-build, to bring structures forth that keeps us safe from all such horrors and of course much more - it's a logical and “normal” reaction and consequence but by now it's maybe partly exactly what holds us "prisoner", keeps us away from taking "risks"etc...

During the new Moon we also see Mercury in conjunction with Saturn in later Capricorn. We're structuring our "mind set" and with that our communication and collaboration, within our bodies (physical and otherwise) and with that we "program" ourselves - it affects everything within and around us... especially when we consider the fact, that all "non physical" as vibration (including the emotions) is "penetrating" everything.... We can "think" ourselves into "heaven" but also "hell"....

The heliocentric conjunction will be on the 20th of March...

In the heliocentric chart...

We see Mars at the galactic center, Mercury at the foot of Ophiuchus also near the GC, Venus as mentioned further up at 18 degrees sid. Virgo a little passed the star Porima of Virgo and Vesta in separating conjunction with Pholus at the face and hand of Sagittarius.

We clearly get the "picture" here, that Mars and Mercury can be used in a "higher", original, conscious, mastering, truthful way, whereas Vesta is giving the devotion to that "higher focus" and Venus the hearts wisdom of what to choose....

It's the path of self-mastery here that leads to the own fulfillment, however stony/thorny the way (just think of "sleeping beauty")

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