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Jupiter and Eris cycle 2023 to 2035 - July 2024 update

Writer's picture: Fran ArnetFran Arnet

Heliocentric sidereal planetary cycle Astrology – empowering and connecting on our evolutionary paths

cycle post in "live update mode" - original post 11th of May 2023


The Jupiter – Eris cycle at 40° on 31st of July 2024


In April this year, Jupiter had finished his first 30° into this cycle – now 3 or almost 4 months later, another 10° and lots of happenings have passed…

At the beginning of a cycle, like this “Novile - first 40°”, is a “growing” phase (especially with the master of growth Jupiter involved), yet we have not yet reached the "breakthrough" of the Sextile 60° and are in this sense still "growing roots"....

Even so we’re in the new cycle already, we may have "re evaluation task”, some "clean and clear out" or "integration of leftovers" to do…

Even if "hard" things happen - with this angle and in this time and chart, there's a big "opportunity" opening - one that can end, complete or "heal" a cycle much bigger than a lifetime - giggles, yet, including the lifetime...

Jupiter and Eris - the Players

Eris is a dwarf planet at the far side of the Kuiper belt. She’s a feminine warrior archetype (to "strive" for something) and brings “disruptive” energies, that shall shed light onto the “reality” of a situation and therefore to see the own truth. It’s not easy to see and accept the own shadow sides, false beliefs, false teachings and lies we may have told ourselves – she’s very revealing and because under all these layers of “shadows from the past”, we may find surprising beauty. She's in this sense like the path to the pot of gold at the other side of the rainbow... More about Eris ....

my Eris book - in shop

Jupiter is about expansion / evolution and this includes “higher learning”, our ideals and beliefs, truth, foreign countries and cultures (to expand one’s “horizon”), physical movement in nature (kind of like “fullness of life”)… More about Jupiter

my Jupiter cycles geometry pdf - in shop

A short excerpt or summary from the "conjunction post / part"

Jupiter together with Eris can expand consciousness to a new level....

After extreme happenings (personal, societal or global) we’re pushed into a kind of “aftermath”. Why, what, how and so on… we may be able to even see “benefits” in what has happened and with that an expansion of consciousness can take place.

We may realize that we have gained insights, a different viewpoint, and with that a change in ideals and maybe even beliefs is initiated….

Yet, I think with Eris, it may be to expand beyond beliefs to actually see and know - to conclude and bring together the physical and the non physical in harmony.

As Eris works from a place beyond Pluto, there are no longer “men made” rules to apply – it’s more as how to apply the “universal laws” to human life…

Jupiter at 9°32’21” sidereal Taurus – Eris 29°32’21” sid. Pisces

Heliocentric sidereal Astrology chart about the Jupiter and Eris cycle at 40 degrees in 2024

Jupiter and Eris circled red.

You see, Chiron is approaching Eris for conjunction and Mars has just left her and stands at the star Torcularis of Pisces (sidereal Aries) and so there might be some kind of “pressure” felt – Torcularis is about “essences” and that’s the level Mars is putting emphasis on (and the other way round)…


Please note – the Juno and Makemake conjunction is still active… therefore their theme is integrative part of this chart here…

(“new Beginnings July 2024” post features that)


Below here and including the "conjunction post" - accessible only to paying subscribers... 

With the involvement of Eris, we might be looking at stuff pretty “inconvenient, uncomfortable, pushy etc.” but we might have gained an “expanded view” on those things, through the energies of Jupiter.

As Jupiter does have some kind of “gathering energy” (gravitational), he doesn’t “let go” so easily – I mean, he can even move the Sun (literally)…

Eris is such an “awakener, shaker, and eye opener” – reality – but one that goes beyond our “usual” imaginations other than out of “movies and novels”… HA – but what if they’re not just stories!!??

Jupiter has just met with Sedna and is forced to include “galactic imagination” into his belief system and Eris is on her way to “cut or tie the knot” at at the star Alrescha of Pisces (Apha star of Pisces, in sidereal Aries) before she will reach her Northnode (of which she’s just about 12° of longitude away)…

Eris can not only bring us, or connect us with those outer realms (she's like linking the realms of Sedna and Pluto in a physical way) but her orbit also suggests, she can see through the idealism and beliefs of Jupiter.

She, as well as the Pluto-Orcus 135 degrees, can bring us to see, where we "deceipt" ourselves....

If you want to know more about Eris and her orbit

I wrote a pdf "book" available on the shop-page

So, if we can “use” the positivity, enthusiasm for the “new” that is with the aspect and parts of Jupiter himself, we have a totally different vibration in order to deal with “what comes up”, that needs to be dealt with or what needs to be seen…  it’s a kind of “overwriting” or “new program” that is running then – the situations might still be same but somehow not so hard emotionally.

This though needs an “allowing” – the beliefs change naturally, just by shifting – no force needed at all… yet, emotionally we may somehow still partly “hang on” to old stuff…


Geometrically, the 30° angle is a 12th of the cycle – now the 40° represent a 9th of the cycle – a “nonagon, novile” etc.

The Nine is an interesting number – it is geometrically linked to some depictions of the tree of life, or let’s say, from a nine pointed star it’s possible to draw that “figure”…

The nine pointed star actually relates to the 3 – 6 – 9 in the sense that there are 3 Grand Trines, or 3 equilateral triangles intersected….

Now, we can look at that as those 3 triangles “intersecting”, as like going around the whole circle 3 times and drawing the triangles accordingly, or we can go from 40° to 40° or we can think of a kind of “combination” of all of them….


The Jupiter - Eris cycle at 30°

As Jupiter moves in a roughly 12 years orbit, it took Jupiter almost a year for these first 30 degrees to be completed.

In this sense the "1st house-step" within their cycle is completed and that in the constellation Aries...

Now the "2nd house-step" of values, self-love etc. within the themes of the conjunction will start within the constellation Taurus...

Yet, as Jupiter is still in conjunction orb with Uranus here, all those conjunction-themes are to be "integrated" into this next step of the Jupiter-Eris theme.

Jupiter at 29°28’17” sidereal Aries – Eris same degrees sid. Pisces

Heliocentric sidereal Astrology chart about the 30 degree angle in 2024 of the Jupiter and Eris cycle

Jupiter and Eris circled in red…

Jupiter has only moved a couple of degrees from Uranus in these 2 weeks since their exact conjunction.

They’re also still in sextile with Vesta at the star Al Hecka of Gemini.

Vesta is in square with Eris – so a little triangle is formed in that "corner" of the zodiac…

Vesta links the whole theme in a trine to Neptune and Hygiea (Hygiea was Apollo’s daughter and was taught by Athena)…

Uranus stands opposed by Pallas north of Libra – she’s “Jupiter’s brain child”, though linked in “family” so to speak…

Pallas though in square to Mars, who’s also in square to Uranus and the Son of Zeus by Hera (Juno)…


I think that’s all pretty telling and entangled…


Conclusions about this next step of the Jupiter - Eris cycle 

We all have heard the phrase “don’t kill the Messenger”…  (Mercury was conjoining Jupiter and Uranus while their conjunction was exact just good 2 weeks ago)

Now, what is a “Messenger”?? We have all kinds of stuff in the body that transports information – some are nutrients, some are the preparation for certain actions or reactions etc. – some we steer consciously and some not….

Yet, even before we start acting or before we start forming a thought that could be written down or spoken, the messaging is already going on… there’s a subtle other form of “information flow” that goes much faster…


Many have also heard the proverb “the flapping of a butterfly’s wings can change the world”…

Even something so subtle and delicate as a butterfly causes vibration and vibration is frequency which has immediate effect and can reach endlessly far…

Or think about the summing of a fly, or the “high pitch buzz” by a nearby mosquito…  are they able to change your mood???

Giggles – what benevolence can a fly have, beside showing us our “aggregated” state of being?? – well, for example can maggots/fly larvae clean out and disinfect wounds… a well known fact for a very long time, that is “re-discovered” and used in the 1990’s onwards…

The maggots usually leave, when the “rotten” meat is consumed…

Mosquitoes? Well – I have not yet found a medical or otherwise physical benevolence to people – yet, there are studies that show, that mosquitoes do select people (if there is choice) by their skin and breath odor…  I though have noticed with my own “encounters”, that “resistance” does have a lot to do of how severe my bodily reactions to bites are…

Why this excursion to insects?? Well, many types of insects are often looked at, as something “ugly”, or even disgusting, something that we think “useless” and of the “underground”, dirty etc. and must therefore be “destroyed” and best even the whole species “distinct”…

Yet, just because we don’t know something, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily “bad”…

If we’re in a state of worry or even fear of some sort, we are in “resistance or rebellion” – just imagine an electric circuit, if one wants to control the amount of electricity flowing through a system, then there’s a “resistance” built in….  it’s applicable to our own energy…

Therefore, “avoiding” is an often used technique in order to “resist” the worries or fears, but they will still creep through when least expected…


Jupiter now stands right under the Gorgoneas stars, which include Medusa… there’s yet also the constellation Perseus – a few degrees further in the southern heavens, there’s Sedna – the one with so much potential and the teachings of how to leave that realm of betrayal and disappointment and to build a new “kingdom”….

Knowing and acknowledging fears is an important part of “freedom” so to speak – they are nothing “bad”, they just hold a story, they hold a response and are in this respect very valuable because they also hold the message that we’re capable of reactions and protection…

The more "actively" we work with all this information, the more we see "beyond" or what we have buried...


I myself am a “communicative” person – so I “talk” with the part of mine that worries about something or is insecure… I tell that part – see, we have plenty of options, or I say something “no, look beyond, it’s not as you think”… or, in some cases I say “thank you, yes, that’s something I should include” (for example as “boundaries”)…


Our interference to the natural world, because of fears, worries, lack consciousness etc. has made us using pesticides and stuff against “pests” and have almost killed the very essential population of bees…. 

I think this actual fact, shows a lot of how destructive the outcome can be, when we try to find solutions from a basis of those “negative” states…  


I also give you a little glimpse – on 10th of June 2024, there will be the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Sedna. They will be accompanied by Mercury and are part of a “kite aspect choreography” or as I like to look at as a pyramid with Pluto at its apex…

End of July/beginning of August, Jupiter and Eris will reach their 40° mark of cycle – a novile – therefore there’s a “completion”, an understanding and with that the “new”…


Much Love to you All,


My website FA empowerment:

Check out the "Shop page" Eris book, readings, one to one chats etc.


The Jupiter - Eris conjunction in 2023

A conjunction isn’t a “seeding” point as that did take place before in the last roughly 45° of the “old” cycle, therefore we can surrender that “old” because it’s completed and from there, we’re “growing” into the new because its here already…

Jupiter meets with Eris on 12th/13th of May 2023 at 29°16’18” sidereal Pisces.

Their last conjunction took place on 4th of June 2011 at 26°40’ sid. Pisces and their next one will take place on 21st of April 2035 at 1°53’ sidereal Aries (star Torculari of Pisces)…

As Eris got a quite long orbit of 557 years and Jupiter a relatively short one of 12 years, it’s kind of pointless to draw a “conjunction chart”…

As you can see in the data above, it’s the last time they meet in sidereal Pisces, yet, that’s not the end of the constellation Pisces – nevertheless, the energies will shift with the next 2 conjunctions.

The conjunction chart

Heliocentric astrology chart about the Jupiter and Eris conjunction 2023

Jupiter and Eris circled red – trined (120°) by Mars in Leo who is about to conjoin Pallas in longitude (circled lighter blue) and the two are in sextile to Haumea in Bootes (circled dark blue) and she’s in square to Pluto and Hygiea circled orange, these Two in separating square to our conjunction…..

Mars and Pallas are in opposition to Saturn in Aquarius and all 3 in square to Sedna in Taurus to whom Pluto and Hygiea are in trine.

Beside these directly “linking, connecting” aspects, there’s also the Earth/Moon system opposing Uranus (or at geocentric solar conjunction), Uranus trined by Venus on the Leo-Virgo cusp (also in opposition to Neptune) and her in sextile to the Earth/Moon system – so kind of an “half envelope”/ rectangle in the form of a triangle…

Furthermore, we see Juno at Orion’s shield (sidereal Taurus) and Mercury south of the ecliptic just passed Antares (alpha star of Scorpio).

The area/longitude in sidereal Pisces, where Jupiter and Eris meet is about the “mind set” and strength gained from life-lessons, and the collective consciousness with its possible entrapments – it’s in this sense a “preparation” and conclusive energy before being at the bond of the upright swimming fish and later the knot that holds them together…

Roughly a year ago, Jupiter did conjoin Neptune and in the beginning of this year, Jupiter was faced with a lot of “relationship, connecting and surrender/sacrifice themes” – now we can use these new cycles and their powers, to “conclude, integrate and prepare” ourselves through the “higher learning”, view points etc. – we can see our very own ideals and beliefs as they are and where they did lead to… we can also see where these may actually “hold us back” or entrap us or liberate us, as many traditions, ancient knowledge etc. has preserved information that could be used constructively without egoic judgments and conditions…

We’re working with Eris – therefore one that asks to “include” the information about how something is and not of how it “appears to be”, or “should” be…

Eris works from beyond Pluto, on the other side of this realm where we may have “broken down” in order to be rebirthed… and there she is, like a “mother” who prepares her children to “walk by themselves”…

I like to share these thoughts as an example of how this could play out:

Lately I have been, from various sides, confronted with the AI-theme and my personal “fears and doubts” about this technology… then suddenly I realized, that this actually holds great potential, yet in a totally different sense… I mean, if we can’t trust any information we get in the news or from pictures or anywhere because the data has been altered, people “doubled”/replaced by avatars and so on, it actually means we have to use our very own “technology”, the ability to discern, to see through a mask or the intentions etc. … therefore, to me we may simply have to improve the own abilities and senses than to fight against something that’s out of direct control…

There might come a point, when humanity won’t need that whole AI stuff or technologies anymore except what we will define as useful… we have actually a much more “refined” system at hand… and we have a mind and a heart….

In whatever aspect of life you’re “hit” at, you can see “beyond and through” it, see its benefits for growth and evolution… and a path, solution, etc. will show …

It's an energy of "surrender" and same time of strive and endeavor...

Jupiter and Eris cycle history

As I can’t really make a Jupiter and Eris cycle conjunction chart, yet, I still like to know things about cycles…

In the list below, you can see, that the last time we were at this similar point as this time, was

in 1465 and the next one correlates with the one that happened in 1477…

There’s quite a list of happenings to check for the 1460’s and the 1470’s on Wikipedia. Of course, the lists are filled with wars – it’s sad that we didn’t record much else in certain time frames – anyhow, there are some other things to find out, kind of “surprising” actually…

05.11.1465 Pisces 29°26’59”

13.10.1477 Aries 2°3’35” near star Torculari of Pisces

15.11.1891 Aquarius 25°58’18” in 1892 the Pluto – Neptune conjunction

09.11.1903 Aquarius 29°53’55”

30.10.1915 Pisces 3°31’48”

19.10.1927 Pisces 6°54’30”

03.10.1939 Pisces 10°5’13”

14.09.1951 Pisces 13°5’44”

26.08.1963 Pisces 15°58’14”

06.08.1975 Pisces 18°44’44”

19.07.1987 Pisces 21°26’11”

27.06.1999 Pisces 24°4’34”

04.06.2011 Pisces 26°40’47”

13.05.2023 Pisces 29°16’18”

21.04.2035 Aries 1°52’48” near star Torcularis of Pisces

02.04.2047 Aries 4°31’4” near star Alrischa of Pisces

What I can see during these 20 years in the 15th century is that Universities were built, books were published and newly even printed to distribute the “wisdom” to those able to buy them. Beside that, foreign lands were discovered and with that the “horizon” widened, unfortunately the Europeans did misuse the people of those lands…

- For example, did in 1460 a monk bring the Corpus Hermeticum to Florence and it was

then translated into Latin by Marsilio Ficino in 1463 - published in either 1469 or 1471…

- In 1466 the first printed German language Bible was produced, called “Mentelin Bible”

- In 1467 Juan de Torquemada's book about meditation is published

- In ca. 1469 Marsilio Ficino completes his translation of the collected works of Plato,

writes “Commentary on Plato’s Symposium” and starts to work on “Platonic Theology”.

- Sir George Ripley dedicates his book “the compound of Alchemy” to King Edward IV

- In 1472 the first printed edition of Dante Alighieri’s “Divine Comedy” is published

- In 1466 the first known eyeglasses shop opened in Strasbourg

- In 1476 Leonardo da Vinci disappears for 2 years…

In 1478 the Spanish inquisition begins. In for example Switzerland, witch burning had already started in 1470… When looking at the type of books first being published, its not really a surprise, that the “establishment” tried to do something against the changes that seeded to take over.

Interestingly in 1456 (yes, a bit before the timeframe) the Comet Halley was observed…

In the 1465 chart, we see a beautiful Grand Square – involving Mars, Venus, Uranus and Chiron. Also, a conjunction between Neptune (at the star Khambalia of Virgo in sid. Libra, which is 2 degrees passed Eris' southnode), Haumea and Pallas (both north of the Virgin) … Haumea actually only a few degrees further than in our upcoming conjunction…

In the 1477 chart, we see Jupiter and Eris closely conjoined by the Earth/Moon system as well as a Venus, Uranus and Neptune conjunction (Neptune at the Scorpion's head), which was in square by/to Saturn in the middle of Cancer…

The last conjunction in 2011, did happen with Venus, Mercury and Mars in separating conjunction to Jupiter and Eris (Mercury right on the star Torculari and the bond of the upwards swimming fish) and all of them marking the T of the T-square with a Vesta – Varuna opposition. Furthermore, Ceres, Chiron and Neptune were conjoined in Aquarius…

In the next conjunction of 2035, Jupiter and Eris will be opposed by the Earth/Moon system (geocentric would mean at solar conjunction) and with Neptune slowly approaching Eris for conjunction… there will be also an almost exact Pholus-Ixion conjunction the same time…

Much Love to you All,


My website FA empowerment:

For readings you can contact me via the website contact possibilities.


Credit/References: all charts are created using the free software by - choose "extended chart selections".... sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)

Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar planer (website no longer available directly but in internet archives)

Dane Rudhyar - many publications and books.... available through "Rudhyar Archival Project"... by Astrology University..... by Michael Meyer on

My own researches, inspirations, intuition, experiences and dreams…

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