I have talked about the Lunar nodes often in my videos as well as wrote about them or at least mentioned them.... so I think it's time to take this a little further as I also had some really interesting "revelations" about them....
As the title suggests - there are not only Lunar nodes, each planet or body is forming nodes where it's orbit around the sun crosses the ecliptic.
In all the different types/styles of Astrology the nodal axis is similarly interpreted as the life-path or "soul-path". I especially see this in the Indian/Vedic interpretation of a "cycle" of intake, digestion and integration. As I see the whole world, ourselves, history and all universe functioning in cycles and spirals and so on, I resonate with this and add my own flavor to it of course.
The South Node is the foundation, the mass of experience we gained from the previous cycles. During the path along the half of the zodiac we gain more experiences and ideas which comes to full "awareness" at the North Node and then on the way back down to the South Node we have to learn to deal (digest) the New and with discernment let go of the old, make space for the "transformed" and fully integrate at the South Node as the new "foundation" and same time the start for a new cycle. This is a natural process of growing, evolve, develop in every matter during a lifetime.
Sometimes this process isn't easy as it means we have to let go of old dreams, principles or belief systems we accumulated during our life so far. As we have to sometimes "clutter out" a home, we have to do the same within and as with a household, decide what we want to keep and what can go.... It was interesting to observe over the last year or 10 months many people around me and myself included did either completely move or tidy up/ sorting their homes and offices but also relationships... and as I see that as "above so below" it's also true for "as within so without".... many people did "hear" the calling of these energies....
Same as when we ate too much for dinner and feel very uncomfortable or even worse, when we take in too much and do not release or integrate the new (or what we learned), when we refuse or shut ourselves "down" to these matters, we might become some troubles through it as we didn't complete the cycle - this can manifest in illnesses, stress, cycles to repeat and so on and there wont be any growth - trust me, I could fill a book with that as I was repeating the same cycles for quite some years..... but I'm much better in "flow" now (I talked about the flow in my last post about Neptune) and so am better able to digest and navigate through all these matters described in the stars, psychology, physiology and spiritual teachings.... so it all hangs together and it doesn't matter from which angle you look at it or label it....
On 21st of June we will have a solistice and eclipse, which is only possible when it happens close to the Lunar nodes axis.... which is the case - Sun and Moon are conjoining each other and the Lunar North Node - so, we will take this intake with us to digest and integrate with the day before full moon and probably during full moon - the moon will be around his South Node from early morning (1am) on 4th of July (Chiang Mai time) and be relatively exact at 10am and will be then travelling further in Sagittarius until she's opposite the Sun for the full Moon on 5th of July at around 11.40am...
I find it pretty interesting how things speed up now at the end of this particular Lunar Node phase - on 7th of September it will change over to sidereal Taurus / Scorpio axis and will bring true new "colors" into our integration-release process with all it's potentials and chances.....
What I further find very interesting is the fact, that the nodal axis of Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn are tight - Jupiter and Pluto at 25 degrees Gemini / Sagittarius and Saturn on 28 degrees same signs... also at the moment they seem to stand of each others shoes (meaning on each others South Nodes) which brings even more emphasis to the whole planetary and nodal conjunctions we have here and experience for some time... Luckily these outer planets do move "slower" and therefore we have a bit longer for this process of release, tidying up, fully integrating what we have experienced and take conclusions for our future... as inside so outside - collectively as species and individually....
Whenever a specific planetary node/axis is "activated" by transits of it's planet, then the pure essence of this planets expression can be integrated - so we could maybe learn a lot more by paying more attention to these points when reading a natal chart or "event charts" for the collective energies....
I for sure will, as these nodal axis made me understand my own natal chart on a whole new level....
From a spiritual view point we could call it the axis of "gates" - to see the full potential or full expression of the themes expressed by the planet... we can activate our inner and higher self with these energies to find our individual path to highest fulfillment and consciousness. It can also be the gate to the understanding of the Universal laws...
The digestive part - the "tidying up" part of the process is also to be observed in the body and the "outer world"... I believe it has also further affect, when it's done collectively....
This theme is right now to be used for all that is going on in our outer world - it means, it's a manifestation of what we have not yet dealt with or need to deal with now... There is fear, there is anger, there is hate (anger, violence, hate - all based on fear) and on the other side of course the other polarities of love, understanding, compassion.... The more we integrate our own personal truth, deal with our fears the more free we are and do not play those games of power, control and manipulation anymore and kind of become "untouched" by it as it will no longer be our personal reality... collectively there is still a lot to deal with - I can imagine that a lot of traumas are still based on experiences during the second world war and/or the building time after - maybe it's time to take these up into consciousness to heal and transform, so there is space for a better new experience.... Some they may now say there is much older trauma to "transform" and yes, I agree on that but for many that's not in their reality yet, so lets start what is accessible and it may with it, heal the older wounds as well on the collective level ... so - shall we go to "work" now, lol....
Blessings to you All