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Writer's pictureFran Arnet

New Beginnings 04-2024

Updated: Apr 17, 2024

Heliocentric sidereal planetary cycle Astrology – the Universe guides and receives us in a seemingly endless spiral of evolution….

“Coincidence” is an illusion of separation


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3rd of April 2024         Mars meets Chariklo at 18°38’ sidereal Capricorn

4th of April 2024         Juno at her Northnode around 25° sidereal Leo

9th of April 2024         Jupiter completes his first 30° “away” from Eris (separate post linked)

17th of April 2024       The Pluto – Orcus 135° angle becomes exact

Pluto and Orcus 135° angle exact on 17th of April 2024

Last year I wrote a post about their themes and the 135 degrees angle, when I first realized the importance of the angle (first edition on Substack, then import to here)...

It's called "Needful things" (linked).

I also wrote a FA's Astro-life post about Octagonal structures from various perspectives - silver and golden mean, pyramids and so on... Octagonal post link....

Pluto at 5°4’2” sidereal Capricorn and Orcus at 20°4’2” sidereal Leo

Pluto is also in approaching square to Haumea – representing fertile, mid-wife energy, that may also be linked to bloodlines and genetics…


The special thing about the Pluto – Orcus cycle or at times Orcus – Pluto cycle is, that they do not meet for conjunctions…. They usually come a little closer than 60° and the other "extreme" as far as around 150°...

They do this strange dance through “interchange of speed” as I like to call it. This "interchanging” is a process that takes many years. The faster one slows down, the slower one excellerate, until they travel at “same speed” (amount of seconds of longitude on the ecliptic) and angular distance until the excellerating one of the Two "overtakes" the other one, to then either increase or decrease the angle....


This time around Pluto is faster than Orcus….

The last time, they were apart 135° was in 1860 but then it was Orcus who was faster.

The last time it was as now, was in December 1773 with Pluto in very early sidereal Capricorn and Orcus around the middle of sidereal Leo - therefore ca. 250,5 years.

The next time, they will have an “interchange of speed” with their “same speed time” starting in early 2061 until January 2065 – they’re during this time 147,5° apart…. 

Such a change means, the quality of the aspect changes from a first one to a last one…

Pluto and Orcus are showing similar orbital periods - Pluto 248 years and Orcus 245 years, yet these are for both "calculated times". Pluto was discovered in 1930 and therefore not yet completed an orbit since and with Orcus discovery it's even much shorter....

In their "special dance performance" of "apparent speed changes", I think we can't think of their "angle quality" in comparison to orbital periodicity....


Back to our current 135° angle – this degree is also called a sesquiquadrate or simply spoken 3 times 45° which shows us the 135° angle is in relationship to octagonal geometry and therefore an “8 pointed star or 8 corner shape”.  

The octagonal shapes relate to timing, but also to rituals, celebrations and similar themes – it can also mean “preparation” for something. The theme of “radiation or vibration” is included as well, just like a ritual or ceremony of any kind can change the own vibration or let’s say “emotional state”….


Heliocentric sidereal Astrology chart about the 135 degrees angle between Pluto and Orcus in April 2024

Orcus is still opposed by Nessus while Pluto still forms a trine to Sedna.


Pluto speaks about transformation, the process of death and rebirth and therefore he’s very powerful. Pluto as the “gate-keeper” of the inner-world, can bring us insights – the realization of our inner beauty and power – this realization is transformative, in which way though, is totally up to us…. He's also about power, he's also about the misuse of that - just like nuclear power can be used in various ways…



Orcus represents the awareness and awakening to our own life purpose and soul oath. Orcus belongs to the “Plutonian bodies” and is in relationship with Neptune as well as Pluto and therefore speaks of greater evolutionary cycles, awareness, and consciousness. Orcus is “silent” – Pluto is “loud”. Orcus, the inner knowing and living accordingly – integrity and authenticity for the greater good of oneself and therefore also for the greater good of All.


I think, also Neptune does hold an important role, as Pluto and Orcus both are in relationships with Neptune’s orbit…

Neptune is the ruler of water, water can change and become ice or also mist/fog and blur our vision. He wants us to transcend anything that is in between our “core”, our fundament in order to know ourselves.           Spirituality, esoteric, mysticism, dreams and illusions etc. are the traditional key words, as well as “escapism”. Neptune can also be thought of as a bridge and gate between the inner and outer realms and in this sense, he works closely together with Pluto – we need to gain “clarity” (especially of Self). 


Hygiea has moved on to stand over the equinox point in sidereal Pisces,  yet still close to Neptune.

Furthermore, is Neptune conjoined by Venus both in early sidereal Pisces.  


Venus, Neptune, Pluto and especially Orcus (near his most southern part of orbit) are all south of the ecliptic, which indicates subconscious or even unconscious themes.

Just as we had Mercury involved directly with the Jupiter – Uranus conjunction, we have now Venus as the 2nd inner planet involved, linking this all onto the personal level.


As I have stated many times - we're in "revealing times"...

Revelations can happen within any theme and any life situation or "stage", within and without etc.

We're also in times, within which "essence", principles etc. are becoming visible.

This opens chances and opportunities of all kinds.

We may no longer only have to deal with our subconscious "knowledge", hidden talents and thorns but also the actual unconscious themes, which means we have to prepare ourselves to deal with that which we don't know even exists...

To me, this is like adding a level in a computer game - therefore, nothing "bad" but full with surprises and challenges...

When we look at the chart in a "broader way", we see that we have lots of "cusp activity", which also indicates many shifts and changes, some more "preparation" and some more like "celebration"... it also means a bit of a letting go of the "old" or the strength or bonds we hold to that, to allow something new to come/grow...

If we want to change something in life or in "bigger pictures", we may need to allow other ideas to surface and act on them instead of on the ideas of the past that didn't work....

With Pluto and Orcus we're dealing with deep stuff and the chance to take a "quantum jump", yet, it needs the bravery, will and understanding in order to step towards a "surrender" to self...

I think, we may observe values to be "purified" - this may include to make an inventory, shrinking to health, discovering and generally a "transcending" energy, which may bring clarity within themes we would not have thought about yet...

Yet, it's important to take the "spiritual" part and memory into account as well as the "stillness" - if we're so loud all the time, busy, active etc., we may actually "miss" what is hidden right in front of our nose or deep within because we can access what may have been "hidden"/unconscious before...

Trust into the Self, the fantasy, the unknown possibilities on all levels...

There may be things crumbling (shrinking), disappearing etc., yet, it's up to each of us, if we look at this as being a disaster, destruction or similar, or if we see the chances and benefits within it.....

3rd to 9th of April 2024 


Mars and Chariklo meet at 18°38’46” sidereal Capricorn


With Mars south of the ecliptic and Chariklo north, which here now means, Chariklo has shifted into the “outskirts” of the constellation Aquarius, while Mars remains in the constellation Capricorn.

Mars near the stars Armus and Dorsum of Capricorn and Chariklo between the stars Albali and Albulaan of Aquarius.


Mars is traditionally the “God of war” – innovative, vital and active, also of leadership qualities, how we apply our “willpower”, our inner force. Really a lot of physical and “sexual” energy, the divine masculine principle (can have a lot to do with “protection”). Immature Mars can be very impulsive and if afflicted he can express as “explosive, ballistic” power.       


Chariklo is Apollo’s “daughter” and as that a very benevolent Being when it comes to the healing art-sciences that work with any kind of harmony and resonance. But she also stands for the “refugee”/sacred places and the inner “sacred” space, which includes discernment.


Within the middle part of Capricorn, the energies shift from the more solitary, practicing and “shamanistic” energies to an additional sharing, "futuristic" or "enthusiastic" energy. This shift is marked by the stars Albali of Aquarius and Armus of Capricorn at around 17 degrees sidereal Capricorn, they bring the communicative or sharing parts into the play. There’s also a bit of “liberating” energy in the sense of finding a way “through” sturdy/fixed/stubborn structures – like let’s say finding a “loophole” or the “gray zone”….

In the South of the ecliptic there are the two "Magellanic clouds", which are said to be "passing galaxies" or even “satellite galaxies of the Milky Way”, what we could interpret as being of "witnessing energy".  


Their last conjunction took place on 3rd of May 2022 at around 10° sidereal Capricorn and their next one will be at almost 27° sidereal Capricorn, just passed his most southern part of orbit, meaning he’ll be ascending already then whilst he’s still descending now…


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