From March to September and back...
Heliocentric and geocentric view with the same dates - just the placements are "interchanged"... between the Earth and the Sun.
I find it fascinating, when I see in the news or documentaries and pictures of Earth “from far away” - what a wonderful planet or “mothership” we’re living on, or “in” when thinking of the protective shields of Earth as well as of information fields, the layers of atmosphere etc. as part of our home…
During the March equinox we see the Sun "in front of" the constellation Pisces just under the neck of the westward swimming fish. Further north the constellation Pegasus, south though the constellation Sculptor and the South Galactic Pole.
When we turn the perspective and look from the Sun, then Earth stands in front of the constellation Virgo, at her head with the constellations Coma Berenices in the north (holds the North Galactic Pole) and south the constellation Crater.
Then during the September Equinox, all is just the other way round...
Yet, we have both times, both "ends" occupied so to speak...
Please note - the placement of the Earth is always reflecting the few "signs" we see at night... Earth in Astrology and more on my "Earth page"...
Heliocentric view, means that we see the Earth orbiting that center and we can work with the actual path the Sun moves.. it's a very long travel in this physical sense and the Sun seems to "aim" to a point north of the ecliptic in sidereal Sagittarius, between the constellations Hercules and Lyra...
From this point of view, during the time from March to September, the Earth kind of travels "ahead" of the Sun - in this sense "pushed" - whereas from September to March the Earth is like behind the Sun and in this sense "dragged"....
Virgo is a zodiac constellation, meaning it lays “along” and close to the ecliptic. The constellation Virgo is a long one as she’s for some time now depicted as laying on her back and therefore, her feet in the middle of sidereal Libra.
Star-map of Virgo and cusps
The blue line shows the ecliptic - The green line shows the celestial equator - The purple line shows the galactic equator - The white arrows show the NGP (North Galactic Pole) and the ca. equinox point in Virgo and the direction of the movement of the equinox point (precession of the equinoxes).
North of the NGP you can see the constellation Canes Venatici, the tail of Ursa Major and stars of Draco (also the tail side).
It’s interesting to note, that Eris’ orbit crosses from Canes Venatici down into Virgo through the NGP and does the opposite with the South Galactic Pole in Pisces…
If you’re interested in more about that and her path, you can buy my “Eris orbit- Astrology” book/pdf directly from my website – LINK…
South of the ecliptic the constellations Crater (the Cup), parts of the Hydra, Vela (the sails of Argo Navis)…
This area is of the “newborn” self, the essences and abilities we hold. It's creative, and aware, a bit like a “wellness center” with all the possibilities of creative energies to be re-birthed, shaped into the greater flow… here one can “empty” in order to “fill anew” or to experience the actual "fullness" there is (transforming)….
To see through the disguise of those who are "blinding" with nice false.... (can also be the own ego, the true desires etc.)
Pisces is a zodiac constellation, meaning it lays “along” or close to the ecliptic (the path of the Earth around the Sun). As the “westward swimming fish” swims directly along the celestial equator, it can be observed from both hemispheres at least at certain times of the year…
Star-map of Pisces and cusps
The blue line shows the ecliptic - The green line shows the celestial equator - The purple line shows the galactic equator - The yellow arrow points to the “Circlet - fishhead” - The white arrow points to the SGP (South Galactic Pole) - The green arrow shows you the direction of the movement of the Vernal point (precession of the equinoxes)
The white “longitude-line” (division between the signs Aquarius and Pisces based on the galactic coordinates) cuts through the Circlet of the constellation Pisces. The circlet marks the head of the westward swimming fish of Pisces…
The “main stars” of the circlet are faintly visible to the naked eye - most of them are very luminous stars compared to the Sun, it’s the distance that makes them look dim.
The “square of Pegasus” is easily recognizable in the northern sky as those 4 corner stars bright to the naked eye...
The square of Pegasus is an asterism and recognized by many cultures around the world, with different names…
This is an area of intention and inspired actions by using the awareness gained. It’s actions (or "non action") that can grow roots, are beneficial, future oriented and in alignment with the seeds planted…
Same time, we give “space and time” for growth to take place, trusting the system at play etc.
An area which holds the information about the “last cycles” (on whatever level) – their geometries and “translations into physicality”…
The evolutionary direction (precession direction) brings us from Pisces towards Aquarius and the planetary movement from Aquarius to Pisces (the same happens on the other side between Leo and Virgo)
This means, we’re dealing here with several “houses” from various standpoints.
Geocentric we’re entering the 1st house (planetary movement) coming from the 12th.
Heliocentric view we’re about to enter the 10th (public/most visible) house coming the 9th (understanding).
Very clear cusp energy here – still “interwoven” (one can think of the Vesica Pisces, the flower pedals aren’t straight lines)….
Galactic though, the Southpole can be looked at, as like the IC, the home, where one comes from etc., therefore 4th house energy…
Please note – the heliocentric view orients itself on the galactic coordinates in the sense that the Sun does orbit the Galactic Center and so do we with the Sun…
Now add the other side in Virgo and you get quite a lot of houses involved, many parts of our lives with their expressions and how to handle things…
Geocentric coming from Leo 6th house and now into Virgo on the cusp to the 7th house (planetary direction)…
Heliocentric from Leo 3rd house (communication) to Virgo 4th house (home, private).
The Galactic North Pole can be looked at as like an MC, one side of the polar axis, the outside, public, seen or point of awareness…
I have made a public post about all of this with visuals, lists etc. including the "precession direction" - here the link.
The age of Pisces has often been called the “dark ages”, something kind of “unwanted” – yet, I think this type of perception doesn’t do justice to our ancestors, all these wonderful people who did the best they could at any given time of their lives and circumstances.
Yes, Individuals may have made choices we can’t understand nowadays, may think they have been wrong but how do you know, you would have done it "better"!!?? A problem we also face in our daily lives NOW with people in our lives but also with whatever kind of “public figures”, well, and ourselves…
I like to talk about the big cycles – the long term cycles, their geometries and how they may fit together in this broader view. The "element of time” is involved (south of Cetus spanning from ca. middle of Aries, through Pisces, and further into Aquarius, there’s a constellation called Horologium) and even if we have "too short lifespans" per incarnation to live through many of the longer cycles, we get their energies through the smaller cycles or faster planets…
For these reasons, people may perceive "glitches" of time or "realities" in their lives.
The Earth spins around the own axis within 24 hours and therefore we’re within the energies of the whole “zodiac” each day - a kind of “rebirth” does happen every single day…
We can bound ourselves to the concepts of “New Years, Equinoxes, Birthdays etc.”, yet, even though those do matter, they also do not – it depends what we bound ourselves to…
The Sun though does rotate around the own axis differently, as the Sun is plasma – it’s a period of 27 to 31 days at different latitudes of the Sun… at least, that’s according the “visuals” possible to measure… At the equator it’s an average of 27 days and at the poles an average of 31 days.
As I look at an equator as the “path of action” we can see, we DO faster than we “intend” or “change” or “align”… or from the other view point, we could say, intentions and alignments last longer than actions 😉
On the other side, in Virgo, we have south of the constellation Virgo the constellation Crater (the Cup) and that may refer to our own abundance of whatever – are we even aware of it??...
I heard a channel on YouTube, which did state in much fewer words, what I often try to communicate:
“You are always abundant, even if you're abundant in lack”…
Just as I have to come back from “cosmic and planetary studies and getting familiar” into my everyday life with its details – we’re all having a complete whole system at hand – there’s no exception and it's not about money, education and all these things – it’s about getting familiar with, understand its language and to start to see the repeating principles in everything there is.
In my experience, once you get familiar with something, you don’t see the “appearance” anymore, you might in some ways even “forget” the looks of a person in the sense of skin color, hair color (that can change frequently with some anyways), status etc. – it becomes irrelevant because you start to see other aspects of the person(s) and that doesn’t necessarily reduce to people you personally know…
Why do I say that? Well – it’s the “separation” thinking that has an influence here too – it’s like seeing only the differences and no similarities etc. …
So, I think you get the vibes of how the equinoxes work together – remember, both sides are always occupied…
Much Love to you All,
My website FA empowerment:
Credit/References: all charts are created using the free software by - choose "extended chart selections".... sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)
Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar planer (website no longer available directly but in internet archives)
Dane Rudhyar - many publications and books.... available through "Rudhyar Archival Project"... by Astrology University..... by Michael Meyer on