Sidereal planetary cycles Astrology - the Universe is empowering and guiding us on a seemingly endless evolutionary path...
Jupiter and Saturn - from 2020 to 2040
This is a post, that will be regularly updated, when an important angle / aspect is reached - a step by step following and living the cycle "live"....
The Players
Jupiter is about expansion / evolution and this includes “higher learning”, our ideals and beliefs, truth, foreign countries and cultures (to expand one’s “horizon”), physical movement in nature (like “fullness of life”)… More about Jupiter:
Saturn is about authority, structures, order and law but not only material structures (our skeleton or buildings) but also about societal, political and religious structures as well as how we "structure" our inner and outer life… other key words are commitment, responsibility and to mature… He reminds us, that we build our structures ourselves and need to take on the responsibility for it – and that’s why he’s often perceived as “limiting”…. and a main question is "which authority we follow"... More about Saturn:
The problem with Jupiter and Saturn often is, that one is perceived as nice and easy and the other one as hard and limiting… - perception can be "tricky" at times...
A short recap about the Jupiter – Saturn 2020 conjunction
As in 2020 various "important" conjunctions took place and that within a special alignment of the Earth's cross with the Galactic cross, I think, this conjunction/cycle is part of a deep re-birth, a remodeling of the societal structure, our lives within those but more from an “inside out” perspective. We have to face truth, integrate those in a “practical” sense as well as in an idealistic one – it’s about “bringing together” in a way that serves all in a natural way, kind of "automatically"…
The Jupiter and Saturn conjunction took place heliocentric on 3rd of November 2020 and geocentric on 22nd of December 2020 – at heliocentric 6°32’36” sidereal Capricorn under the stars Altair of Aquila, Sham of Sagitta, and the head of Cygnus the Swan and above Indus the "Shaman".
In short, it’s about the re- structuring or re-inventing of the Self and the world around us in a way that keeps a global vision but is lived locally with the integration of the earth energies and grids and also the visions we may have, to bring/give them “life” through living from these higher ideals and vibrations yet also to “observe” what leads where - a bit like practicing the own abilities, tools and their “impact”… In this sense, such a way of living includes to take the responsibility and the power - to become the own conscious authority when it comes to self....
Jupiter and Saturn – first 90° angle (square) 27th of January 2025
Cycles do describe a process and as that, we can see the importance of angles as “steps” within a process…
When you look back to 2020 – how much did change?? Do you notice changes in your personal life, your communities and families, do you have the same “belief system” today as before 2020, what do you think “reality” is, do you experience a lot of synchronicities in your life or other kind of “odd” things??
Giggles, and all of that only in the first quarter of their cycle and even less into the Saturn-Pluto cycle, yet, a little further into the Jupiter-Pluto cycle…
Yet, Jupiter had within this time also his conjunctions with Neptune, Chiron, Eris, Uranus and Sedna. – Yep, no stone is unturned in this sense…
This chart (as you will see further down) seems to talk about expansion, positivity, focus and “trust” – not so much into something “outside” of self but into self and especially the “spiritual” part of ourselves… or maybe a more “holistic” approach with anything that is about “ourselves” – just as in the sense of the “community / society” within self… may that now be on the physical, mental, emotional and beyond… it’s all part of ourselves and each of these parts may contain “parts” as well…
Of course, we have also the obvious theme of expanding “limits or boundaries” – in which direction though is a personal choice… and I think, that’s the difficult part here – one can maybe philosophically and intellectually agree to something but may have a hard time to actually “live” accordingly… here is now the time to choose or give “direction” ….
I think, many things we have thought to be merely science fiction has become wider accepted as part of this “reality” and I think that will further expand and such new “belief systems” will over time totally restructure our society… well, and it seems to accelerate more and more – like the “snowball principle”…
Same time such may bring up “practical” challenges – we can already see how much “polarity” for example the theme of A.I. has manifested, and therefore there is in this example a lot of direction giving needed… it’s not if we want it or not, it’s about how we use it, to what degree and what “direction” or “purpose” we want to give it…
Giggles – no, I still write it all myself and follow my own ideas – if it would work in this field of work, I guess I would partly use it but “suggestions” I get on my website for blog posts do not make any sense or are just simply “wrong” – yet, it amuses me …
On the other side, there’s this kind of “magic” that also runs through the internet too – things suddenly appear when you need them (not talking about algorithms here!!), the computer when “jumpy” shows stuff as well and so on – so, it’s like a “teamwork” here and less a “robot” that just does what it is programmed to do without knowing what it does…
Maybe that is actually a good way to describe the difference between living with “awareness” or without …
To further this example, we also see that it leads nowhere when we try to “fight” something. There’s always an underlaying belief of “something” that is structuring our reality – whatever that is, it’s going to present itself in one way or another.
When we become aware of “limiting beliefs or thoughts”, then we usually either try to fight it or giving it another direction, or replace it with another belief…
When I was a Teenager, I used to “space out” while sitting in the school room, kind of half there lol, during such times I used to draw or write kind of “automatically” – one sentence I wrote I still remember very clearly – “belief is what one thinks to be true but isn’t able to tell with certainty” (an approximate translation of what I wrote in German).
From this standpoint, a belief is just an idea or possibility and one can just “drop it”, if it’s a possibility one doesn’t actually “like” …
If we “like” the belief for whatever reason, it will anyways kind of “show” in our reality because one does always try to “prove” a belief… - like in placebo and nocebo effects…
If one can’t drop a belief, then it’s also possible to give that a different “direction” – for example instead of believing something is happening “to” oneself, it can happen “for” oneself and with this, a lot more possibilities / choices are suddenly available…
The more difficult one is then to shift to things the view of things happening "through you" - it means we have to let go of practically everything we may have believed to be true before this "challenge" and it means to take on responsibility we would never had imagined, yet, that also means possibilities and choices far "beyond common" as well...
One thing though – there’s something “needed” to be done so or so – because one can’t change what is playing on the “screen” by hitting “stop” nor "replay" …
The square angle and its “first” quality…
Square angles are often perceived as challenging and difficult, it’s like while traveling, walking or driving etc., when we have to turn left or right it’s kind of “disturbing”, attention is needed because you can’t just “go on half asleep” as when following the straight road – it’s like a “phase” is ending and another is going to start and so there are decisions or choices to make, directions to be defined and so on…
A first square is a “growing” angle, marking the midpoint in the first hemisphere after the conjunction. In the first quarter we grow deeper roots and start to push the heads through the soil – like we start to see a theme, may create and plan or organize something etc. – that means, at the square we give that a “direction” or maybe even “purpose”.
Maybe it’s a bit like the teenager who transits into adulthood – leaving the childhood behind and starts to create his/her place in the world… what was felt as a “need” in the childhood, may still in some way “linger” around but for sure changes “faces” and others may have dissolved in the process… so, this process is forward oriented, it’s not so much about looking back but what is “growing”.
The Jupiter – Saturn 90° chart and details …
Jupiter at 25°18’10” sidereal and constellation Taurus – Saturn at 25°18’10” sidereal Aquarius right at the border between the constellations Aquarius and Pisces and a little south of the ecliptic.
Jupiter stands here between the two horns of the bull, which are often considered the future and the past and from this point of view, he’s in the “now” … there are many other interpretations circulating and possible…
Saturn though stands somehow in the “nowhere land” between Aquarius and Pisces, no particular stars nearby etc. – so there’s a kind of “nothingness” or “uncertainty” that we can interpret into this placement.
In heliocentric perspective, Jupiter is standing in the “12th house” and Saturn in the 9th – there are the themes of understanding and “truth” that goes for Saturn (and Nessus) and for Jupiter it’s “spirituality”, the higher mind or mentality or transcendence of “human concepts” …

Jupiter and Saturn circled in red. Jupiter is in a last trine formed by Ceres in late sidereal Capricorn and Saturn (besides still being in orb of separating conjunction with Nessus) is in a 72° angle to / from Mercury, Pholus and Quaoar in sidereal Sagittarius…
Whatever “decision” or “direction” we take within the Jupiter – Saturn cycle, it will be nourishing through the harmonious and kind of “harvesting” angle between Jupiter and Ceres. As Ceres is less than 30° away from Saturn here, it’s a balsamic phase, “future oriented”, one that “dreams” and can see through any “limitations or boundaries”.
Saturn is here in angle/ connection with the mind as a communicative system, mastery and the harmonic or synchronistic way of life (generally life as anywhere and anything) can be observed and understood as a kind of “language” of “higher truth” and guidance…
Jupiter brings the theme of “positivity” into the picture – now, consider this to mean something “slightly” different than the common interpretation of the word…
Think in terms of “language” of the Universe, the “spirit realm” or vibrational realms etc. – there it goes with vibration and frequency … When we now add the “commitment” or “work” theme of Saturn in the sense of focus, we get a quite different “picture” here… Where or what we put our focus onto – may that now be a “lack” of any kind, or pain we want to resolve, or something we really look forward to, or try to create or build etc. - will set an information and communication into motion according that focus.
Jupiter and Saturn conjunction Geometry….
available only to paying Subscribers - alternatively, there's a pdf available on my shop page
about various Jupiter cycles geometry... FA's Shop.