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Transcending the matrix

Writer's picture: Fran ArnetFran Arnet

Updated: Mar 14, 2024

Neptune – Eris 330° on 3rd December 2022

In evolutionary sidereal Astrology and especially with all these planetary cycles and parts of them, we get a “manual”, a guideline so to speak – one thing plays into another.

Whenever planets like Pluto or beyond are involved, it might be not so comfortable – doesn’t mean they are mean, no, opposite – they are as loving but with a certain task and therefore they may show their love in a strong way to bring the necessary, difficult steps towards the promising tasks….

Mind you, we're All new in this in the here and now - we may at times take a few hours, days or even longer to "see through" something, to gain the clarity needed to find the "way out". Usually we're more judgmental with ourselves than the Universe...

The Neptune – Eris cycle we’re entering the ending phase in now did start on 7th of August 1848 – and the next conjunction will be on 7th of December 2037.

The Players:

Neptune is the ruler of water, water can change and become ice or also mist/fog and blur our vision. He wants us to transcend anything that is in between our “core”, our fundament in order to know ourselves. Spirituality, esoteric, mysticism, dreams and illusions etc. are the traditional key words, as well as “escapism”. Neptune can also be thought of as a bridge and gate between the inner and outer realms and in this sense, he works closely together with Pluto – we need to gain “clarity” (especially of Self).

Eris is a dwarf planet with a long orbit of 558 years. She’s a feminine warrior archetype and brings “disruptive” energies, that shall shed light onto the “reality” of a situation and therefore to see the own truth. It’s not easy to see and accept the own shadow sides, false beliefs, false teachings – she’s very revealing in this sense because under all these layers of “shadows from the past”, we may find surprising beauty. She is about finding the resonance and flow within self and our surrounding and “nature” (natural universal laws).

The conjunction of August 1848:

They did meet at 8°12’0” sid. Aquarius conjoining Ancha of Aquarius (Neptune was discovered in September 1846). Eris stood 40° south of the ecliptic between the constellations Grus and Phoenix.

It’s like the energy of “the more you know, the more you know that you don’t know” and therefore wisdom is a theme here, yet also knowledge, scientific exchange, seekers and teachers, philosophers and writers are coming together here to share in openness and unity consciousness for the evolutionary good of self and the collective - this high of intellectual intelligence wants to be "fulfilled" and used and with an open heart nd mind to the ideas and intelligence of other (including the non-visible realms and the natural environment) a flow of abundance can be created… “shared emotions become half burdensome or multiplied joy” we can – sharing with other people or “Beings or Spirit” as in prayers or even by talking to a tree or writing in a journal…

Our reality does go as far as we can imagine it – on all realms, in all questions… The more we can imagine, the more we figure out through “trying/ testing/ experimenting” etc. and consequently we “expand” our reality…

Discoveries, knowledge, wisdom as well as new inventions bring disruption, discussions, exchange, and may bring distrust and fear but experimenting, achievements and so on…

I remember to have read that Albert Einstein did often dream some of the “answers” to his questions… and I have heard the same about many other Scientists or Researchers… And I can confirm that from my very own experiences…

It’s transcending the idea of mere physical life, to be open hearted for whatever and “through” whatever the “non-physical” world may communicate…

The beauty of being at the ending phase of “long term planetary cycles” is, that we can look back to recorded history and get the idea of what it’s all about… yet, there’s never one conjunction alone at work – such longer term cycles form a “backdrop” and there are several of them, very influential for us is also the Pluto - Sedna cycle that started in 1814 and within which we're soon gonna reach the last 120 degrees or the Neptune-Pluto 500 years cycle we started in 1892…

You can read more about these long term cycles on my page "active cycles" and subpages about individual cycles:

In the beginning of the Neptune - Eris cycle there was the “end of the industrial revolution”, a booming, inventing, discovering going on and that in rapid speed before it would lead a 20 years later into the so called “2nd industrial revolution or technological revolution”… with that, the direct work with the natural world changed. Resources were discovered previously unknown and we had to deal with questions of how to use them and how to prevent misuse by becoming aware of the dangers involved…. At the beginning of a cycle things “co-exist”, a big “mix” of the old and the new - more break through can then lead to “euphoric” behavior.

There was also a new “style” of music and literature emerging in the years of their conjunction and also woman’s rights became a theme as well as photography and telegraph…

I think, it was an important conjunction, not only because Neptune was just discovered short before but also because of Saturn was changing into a totally different energy with his nodal axis.

Yet, there were also Individuals who did start to study the “occult”, ancient wisdom teachings and tried to link the knowledge to the “modern times” – new groups, cults, “societies” and “religions” formed.

Archaeology did make lots of very revealing discoveries that had somehow to be put into some kind of “context” and explanation etc.

Eris was already ascending from her most southern point of orbit in reference to our ecliptic but not yet at her aphelion – therefore her works in the subconscious – she wasn’t discovered yet then, so a mere story from ancient mythologies and with it something “to fear”.

The last 30 degrees:

Now though, in December 2022 Eris has been re-discovered for some time and is much further up towards her Northnode and passed her Aphelion, which is also Jupiter’s Perihelion – a working together here…

The last 30° of a cycle suggests, a letting go of the old, to focus onto the new, the beauty we want to create out of the wisdom gained from the old one. It’s a seeding, “blue-printing”, weaving energy here – future oriented – yet, it’s also a revealing energy here, especially with Eris being one of the players. Revelations of the own beauty, yet also of what has been (un-earthing) and it includes the ability to put all the pieces together to a whole.

At the ending phase of a cycle there’s also a “decision” to make if we go “destructive” or if we actually try to create something new, yet with the old as “integrated part” as a necessary step on the evolutionary path. The potential is there to be very creative as we have seen all the “causes and effects” since the beginning of the cycle and previous cycles.

In the last years it became very obvious, that some of the supply chains in our material world were broken or disturbed – a “chain” though is only as strong as its weakest part….

This principle also applies to our various bodies – how aware are we of our “fundamental” parts connecting and working together, what can we “improve” in order to get the results we want etc. Yet, this is the “old way” of doing things – now we can “envision”, or turn something “around” just by conscious communication.

As example a little story of mine: 10 days or 2 weeks ago I felt a lot of pain in my right knee, it was really annoying and I wasn’t sure what to do about it, my usual “measurements” didn’t work – then I suddenly had the picture in my mind, that actually my knee is “renewing itself” from a fall I had some years ago… I was “ohh, that’s great, I’m getting a new knee!!” … it stopped hurting.

Letting go is easiest, if we have a “vision” for the next to come, a dream, an idea or a wish… – we have done and learned what we could and so the “envisioning” of where it shall lead to is the consequent next step, with keeping an open heart and mind, as the “revelations” don’t stop to come in.

Instead of being fearful or anxious about a kind of “repetition” of what didn’t work, we can dream or envision actively of what we would actually like to “have”, what the world should look like – for ourselves (physical and non-physical, mortal and immortal lives) as well as for humanity, the species as a whole…

Eris stands in an area that’s about bringing the beauty to rise – here we can find value and riches according our own “value system” but we can even transcend that and see a whole world of beauty. She’s opening our eyes to what lays beyond the 3D matrix reality and beyond the astral realms as well, to bring those realizations into work on the earthly realms.

Those who are suffering in whatever way, may though be guided and helped to find their truth and empowerment to be able to change their reality… yet, we All have to make the steps possible for ourselves too...

As long as we fight what is already “manifested” we’re trying to run through a concrete wall – those who are able to go through walls or in maybe more “common terms” can break staples of bricks with their bare hands aren’t “fighting” the bricks…

Yet, it again goes further than that – once we can transcend those realms, we transcend the “illusions” we have created… accepting that nothing touchable is real in this sense is kind of “strange”, it’s challenging and at times even sad yet, it doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the physicality, no, it just gives a totally different view to it and again opens all kinds of “gates” for the next learning processes.

Eris helps us with these processes and as she’s slowly coming more and more up from her aphelion and up from the southern parts of her orbit, we become more and more aware of it…

One more thing important about Eris’ works – she’s about natural universal laws – there’s no “artificial” (lies or pretending) in her realms…

Neptune though, he provides us with the tools for imagination, dreaming and envisioning once we have broken through the veils of the illusions… especially as he stands in an area that talks about the “preparation of the bodies” and of course, that’s meant on all realms and dimensions….

Many people talk about the Pineal gland – yet, there’s more to that story too – there’s a part just coming out from the brain-stem – the Sella Turcica (saddle) holding the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus and these two release and “spread” fundamental chemicals/hormones for the functioning of our endocrine system and that affects the pineal gland too… (link to visible body. com)

Neptune is the last of the so called “main planets” – therefore marking the link between those outer (or inner) worlds – it needs the openness, the phantasy the imaginative tools for the clear communication between the realms.

I always have to think about the “never ending story” – the ability to create a new chapter, a new world, paradigm or matrix – it needs fantasy / phantasy…

Another book or phrase that often comes to my mind within all the “paradigm shift” that has occurred is “mists of Avalon” – the magic has left or became less and less, because too many people did no longer belief into it…

Yet - even so we have all these tools at hand - the world will need us also to use them in the way that really creates change - blaming, judging, polarity are "set ups" from the past... I know changes like that won't happen over night but each step, each little kindness helps.

Details and entanglement

The Jupiter – Neptune conjunction some months ago did talk about the chances and opportunities we get offered if we expand our belief of possibility and trust into that, which comes with an open heart.

The next conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune (cycle post link) will be even before our last 30° of Neptune – Eris ends with their next conjunction in 2037… therefore an “integral” part of these last 30° and more…

That’s the same with the Juno – Jupiter conjunction I have discussed in my last post.

There was also the Jupiter – Saturn first 40° with the perception of choices – now Jupiter is at almost 45° from Saturn, which means that we start to make decisions and organize ourselves based on the choices we made within their themes. Remember 1 + 1 = 3 … the 45° angle goes with the geometry of an Octagram – so we’re talking also “protective” energies here and “risk taking”. Yet, it happens if we’re now aware of it or not – therefore when we are aware of it, we can have a “word” within it 😉

Heliocentric sidereal Astrology chart about the Neptune and Eris planetary cycle

Why do I bring Jupiter in so much you may ask? – Well, in the middle of Pisces we see a little stellium (circled in light blue) flanked by our players Neptune and Eris (circled in yellow)…

Jupiter, Juno and Chiron are the members of this little stellium – furthermore, Saturn (underlined yellow) is also standing at a cusp and therefore making an 30° angle to Neptune and a 60° angle to Eris… never a coincidence when such happens the same time…

Mercury (underlined yellow) also stands at a cusp, not far from Pluto – and so he’s in a 30° angle to Saturn, 60° to Neptune and 90° to Eris…

Back to Jupiter – 14 hours after this exact 330° angle between Neptune and Eris is reached, Jupiter starts the journey through his “most southern” part of his cycle and he will come out of it some hours before the December Solstice only to then reach his Perihelion roughly where Chiron stands now, so Chiron “activates” this Jupiter perihelion point but also Eris’ Aphelion point the same time… yep – some entanglement here!!!

Jupiter will conjunct with Chiron on 30-31st of January 2023 (depending time zone) and he’ll meet with Eris on 12th-13th May 2023 (time zones). Chiron will meet with Eris on 21st of November 2025.

Heliocentric sidereal Astrology chart about the 1848 conjunction of Neptune and Eris

Now let us have a look at the conjunction chart of 1848:

Neptune and Eris circled in yellow...

Yet, note that Uranus (underlined yellow) stood around where Eris stands now and Saturn (yellow underlined) stood around where Neptune is today....

Mercury (underlined yellow and blue on the side) stood roughly where the stellium is now...

Jupiter then stood near the Praesepe cluster in Cancer, just under where Varuna stands for a while already and that's also near Eris' most northern parts of orbit...

And notice Pluto at the neck of Cetus just under the star Alrischa (Alpha Pisces).

The Neptune - Eris cycle page on my website:

Much Love to you All,


My website FA empowerment:

For readings you can contact me via the website contact possibilities.


Credit/References: all charts are created using the free software by - choose "extended chart selections".... sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)

Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar planer (website no longer available directly but in internet archives)

Dane Rudhyar - many publications and books.... available through "Rudhyar Archival Project"... by Astrology University..... by Michael Meyer on

My own researches, inspirations, intuition, experiences and dreams…

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