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Sagittarius and its galactic and Universal connections

Sagittarius constellation map

Sagittarius' constellation lays just south of the ecliptic beside the few points crossing it. It's the torso of a man with the body and legs of a horse (Centaur) and with bow and arrow - often called "the Archer". 

The constellation is also depicted or described as the "tea pot".


Sagittarius is an old constellation already known to the Babylonians, where it was drawn like a Centaur with wings.

The Sumerians called it Papilsag, which means "Chief Ancestor" and it often was drawn with 2 heads- in modern times, the wings as well as the other head were "cut".

In Astrology Sagittarius is about truth, exploration of life, travels and adventures, wisdom, knowledge, "higher learning and perspectives and viewpoints" - we find here teachers, seekers, students, philosophers and so on...

Yet, it's like bringing what we have "understood" in Scorpio to the next level - we bring it forth, make it visible and public in this sense.  


Same time, we kind of "heal" ourselves on all levels and may form new ideals and dreams - big dreams!! 


In sidereal, star- and constellation based Astrology, we gain a lot of additional information about the galactic and Universal connections on our evolutionary and spiritual paths. 


classic constellation drawing of Sagittarius and surroundings by Urania's mirror
the constellation Sagittarius as the teapot

Sagittarius, Corona Australis, Telescopium.
Credit: Sidney Hall - Sagittarius as depicted in Urania's Mirror, a set of constellation cards published in London c.1825. 


In very early degrees of Sagittarius we find, south of the ecliptic, our Galactic Center. A few degrees further, the GEN Galactic equatorial node (see "Gemini" for the other pole of the axis), also the winter solstice point lays in this area and just north of this the Scutum-constellation, which can be looked at as the northern defender of the area. North, is the "point" where our Sun is moving towards - called the Solar Apex.  These early degrees define the galactic and universal connection of Sagittarius, the "truth" he's defending  - we are, by the evolutionary cycle of the Earth asked to expand our awareness and consciousness towards the Universe, in order to become a "galactic Member". It's an inspirational area here, to gain and claim what can support us on the greater evolutionary path.

Middle of Sagittarius is about focus on the tasks ahead according our ideals and goals. But it also needs clear intention and force/action in order to become "manifested". 

This focus is described by the stars of the bow's stars named Kaus Borealis, Kaus Media and Kaus Australis.

Facies, a beautiful globular cluster marks Sagittarius' face, it "shines" onto truth and honesty but also the hidden and false – meaning a “revealing” area – especially about self, which means inner work is needed to gain self-confidence and trust into the own abilities. This area is also intuitive and nurtures self and others with spiritual and philosophical principles. 

The Southern constellation Telescopium, brings long-term visions, goals or direction and so “mundane” life can be perceived as a distraction.

Also South of the ecliptic there is Corona Australis, nicely centered, under Jupiter’s and Vesta’s South Nodes. Corona Australis is often illustrated as a crown (like the Greek God Apollon is wearing) and talks about alchemical processes - the use of the Universal laws, in order to "manifest" in natural flow but also to heal and align - the Universal laws offer the tools to any such processes.

The later part of Sagittarius is marked by the legs and wing of the Centaur, the constellation Microscopium in the South (actually in the sign of Capricorn) , the tail of Aquila (the Eagle) in the North and famous star Vega and it's constellation Lyra also in the North. 

The legs are talking about creative action but also the need for grounding to maintain stability and confidence - the "wing" embodies the wisdom we gained through awareness and consciousness.  Microscopium tells us that the Universal laws aren't only in the "big picture" (Telescopium) to find but also, as a fractal in the "small" (each of us is such a "fractal" too as simply everything!). 

The Eagles tale is encouraging us to take steps into our very own direction and fulfillment. 

Lyra (the "harp" invented by Hermes) and it's massive stars, even so far in the north, yet still very well observable by naked eye talk about vibration - the voice or any "sound", even thought, are vibration, which is the Universal communication so to speak and translates into "color" as well as geometry. Therefore our thoughts (vibration) "form reality" - our imagination, ideals, tasks and so on are thoughts, the words we speak are vibration and sent out not only to our direct environment but to simply everywhere. A very important and strong tool - it's up to us, how we decide to use it.....

 The cuspal area between Sagittarius and Capricorn, is also the location of Pluto's and Saturn's Southnode - indicating the need to discern for the re-birth of self, and the resulting "structuring" we manifest. The culmination of all Sagittarian truth, knowledge, wisdom and connection is represented by the star Peacock of the constellation Pavo in the "form" of integration and beauty. 

Lyra spans into Capricorn as well as Aquila the Eagle. Sheliak of Lyra represents the strings of the "harp" and lays in the very early degrees of Capricorn - the strings produce the sound, within it's vibration we manifest (internally as well as externally). 

Knowledge and wisdom wants to be shared.... 

Planetary points in Sagittarius: 

Southnode: Jupiter 15°38', Pluto 25°33', Saturn 28°47' 


Aphelion: Earth 17°26' , Saturn 4° 


(2023 heliocentric data) 

calculated with: true 

The planetary South- and Northnode have similar meaning as the lunar nodes but they move much, much slower than even the precession Cross of Earth. Most of them moved around 2 degrees in the last 500 years. The Southnode initiates the "digestive" part of a cycle towards the point of "birth and rebirth", so a transforming point in the evolutionary cycle of each planet - it gives the energy of discernment, of clearing the outdated to make space for the new, according the themes of the involved planets. In 2020 we had all the above Southnode planets conjoining each other and beginning new cycles and that also involving their nodes is a significant happening - I call this a "synchronization". On December  21st 2020, together with the solstice, Jupiter and Saturn began their new cycle - wonderfully observable in the night sky....

If you're interested in more details about planetary cycles, please visit my page and the subpages (some individual cycles) - Axis and cycles page 


modern constellation map created with:
Urania's Mirror - Johannes Hevelius 


Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar 
                      Ian Ridpath's Star Tales  and  
                      Pdf-link to chapter 6 of "the constellations of ancient Egypt" by: 

                      Belmonte_Shaltout pdf        

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